Friends of mine had their first "Lemon Parrty" WooHoo

bornkillerbornkiller AdministratorIn your girlfriends snatch
edited June 2011 in Life
It involved any alcoholic beverage and DancingLemon.gif. The popular one turned out to be vodka and lemonade.
What's your lemon party poison .... :confused:


  • lampylampy Semo-Regulars
    edited June 2011
    Can't say I have many of those, but I like lemon, sparking water, mint, sugar, and rum. Similar to a moitio (sp?)
  • LysdexicLysdexic Regular
    edited June 2011
    Lemon juice and vodka
    Taqulia (how ever the fuck its spelt), salt and lemons
    Caronra with lemon.

    Lemon jelly cheese cake.
  • edited June 2011
    Ice cold Stolichnaya vodka shot followed by a bite on a a sugared lemon wedge, so drunk, so quick. Followed by a line someone waved a lemon over, actually it might be possible to make lemon scented coke by twisting a piece of lemon rind over the pile so some of the oils in the skin go on it, sounds like a good reason to buy coke, BRB.

    "what do you mean it's gone already?, go get another one!"
  • PsychotogenPsychotogen Regular
    edited June 2011
    Ice cold Stolichnaya vodka shot followed by a bite on a a sugared lemon wedge, so drunk, so quick. Followed by a line someone waved a lemon over, actually it might be possible to make lemon scented coke by twisting a piece of lemon rind over the pile so some of the oils in the skin go on it, sounds like a good reason to buy coke, BRB.

    "what do you mean it's gone already?, go get another one!"

    ahhhh "lemon drops" we been getting this "call" called "pinnacle" it comes in a citron type flavor. nicey nice.
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