Post here something(s) about yourself that people may not believe if you told them. I have a lot of things happen to me, and drama almost every day yet if people heard it they would just assume I was bullshitting. Here are some facts about myself, some of which I am and others I am not proud of.
- I have Family links to Beretta, Pocahontas and Golden Virginia.
- My Nan and Grandad worked on behalf of the Kray Twins.
- At the age of 18 I was growing 16 Cannabis plants...and harvested them all.
- I have witnessed a murder.
- Friends of mine have been shot, in response to the above.
- When I was 19 I was told I'd only live to the age of 30. Things are slowly changing, and every day that goes by, every birthday I see, it still comes to mind. The world looks so different when you suddenly have a time limit on it and aren't even 20.
I will think of more when I can. Just buzzed, bored and wondered if anyone had anything interesting
Chuck Norris is my bitch
Jean-Claude Van Damme pledges his allegiance to me
Steven Segal bowed down before me once.
I then told Ozzy Osbourne to bite Steven Segal's head off.
This, too.
i know someone who has been shot. he says it doesnt hurt just burns, but he is also paralyzed now so i think hes just a dumbass.
i've never had a real job and im over 20
Go away no one likes a ginger near them.
but there is always one around.
so...FUCK OFF!!!!
Thats the problem :facepalm: its like a desease.
And a fact about me is i hate jews spics and Gingers.
Nigger lover...
thats not a fact about you, everyone hates jews(except other jews) spics and gingers (gingers dont even like eachother)
I go out at night i only see niggers when they talk or look at me so i dont mind.
Ginger scum desperately trying to fit in :facepalm:
I was addicted to painkillers at 14. I was also drinking more then than I do at 22.
When I was 12 I slashed a guys head open with some sheet metal, at 16 I nearly kill a guy in a fight when he fell in front of a car. I regret both events.
I have size 13 feet.
I didn't have sex until I wad 18, I had the chance but I'm glad I didn't.
I like helping people.
My mind is fucked up.
And Dfg, I wanna Skype you sometime. Just out of curiosity :cool:
How would you know? Do you talk to yourself, and, like, hold proper conversations and shit? That's weird.
-I have been legally dead
-My penis curves noticeably to the left.