I found a decent fencing site. its not bad, the color scheme is decent on the eyes etc. if your a fencer or like the idea of becoming one you might want to check this site out.
Also a good website to order Fencing Equipment is
https://www.physicalchess.com/ They are pretty cheap and really good quality for the price.
I bought a foil in '06 and its still fine. a lil rust but you can clean that up easy and its like new.
I play too much Oblivion...
Changed title so i wont have anymore confusion
Link me my nigger! and yes Physical chess is good for beginners equipment and cheap practice equipment. i get my quality gear from private makers in Russia.
Physical Chess
And then there's Zivkovic, who makes the best handles ever. Nothing is quite like them, you need a stronger wrist since you don't have the reinforced wrist support, but you have a much greater range of motion.