Baked vs. Non Baked (kronic)

HughHeffnerHughHeffner New Arrival
edited June 2011 in Spurious Generalities
What happens to your brain when your baked? Does your brain actually slow down so you can think about things in a different light, but it still be true?

I smoked alot of Kronic (legal synthetic weed) on the weekend and wow, it really fucked me up. I'm not new to getting baked, ive been blazing it for a few years and let me tell you, this stuff is different. It definetely gave me a bad trip, where I actually thought I was crazy. It had me crying to my ex gf because I thought it was so sad the I left HER. lol. And after having these bad trips, I still get the same deep down pain I experienced when I was baked.

Summing it up, has anyone figured something out when they were high, that they normally wouldnt have, and still think its true? Can you thank weed for anything?


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