I know most of you don't agree with Facebook's policies, but I just moved to a different state, and I don't know anybody. The town I ended up moving to is pretty small with no recognizable places to meet new folks. So I've decided to screen people through Facebook. I don't think it a bad idea really. I could find people who like all the same shit I like. Plus I could just deny all the people who end up being fags.
your best bet is to go into the busiest street in town and hang out in the busiest stores and do it often. Eventually through sheer brute-force you'll make a friend.
Or, you could... Fuck Facebook?
fuck people
I lol'ed at this good one
In fact pretty much anything is better than facebook cold calling.
I've realised most of my mates were total cocks on Facebook.
Says a lot really. If a site is all about showing who you REALLY are (ie: Facebook) then be prepared for someone to abuse that and fuck you over. Watch a film called "Catfish".