How many of you think that you've got a secure password? You'd all like to say yes, I'm sure. But when it comes down to reality, a secure password which you can generate is one which uses a large number of keystrokes, isn't a word from the dictionary, uses symbols/numbers, and is "two handed". What this means is that you need two hands in order to enter your password, because you're alternating between upper and lower case characters.
For example, the two handed version of "chicken" might be "cHiCKeN" - notice the random upper-case letters.
You can use two handed passwords to greatly increase your password strength, and it can also allow you to enter random symbols around the place too, like so...
With every revision of our password, it becomes significantly stronger and harder to crack. Give it a shot, you might thank me later (or probably not, because you won't even know someone's had a crack at your password
then my last name followed by calories
numbers from oreo cookies package
S&TW2TB&W$1= "Steve & Tom Went 2 The Bank & Withdrew $1"
"You should have killed me when you had the chance"
I'd only have to remember those words, combine it with my algorithm, and I'd have my password.
Let's say the algorithm is to take the first letters from each words, switch between capitals and lower case letters, and put some random characters on the start and end. My password would change to something like this;
See what I mean?
What did you say your name was?
I don't think so brah
swe@s, bAc0N!t0t5se%6
swe@s, bAc0N!ebay%6
Your password is only as strong as the weakest database it's stored in. Change it around. Also, space bar helps for non-guessable passwords.
The trick is, it's safe to keep your password written down physically (ON PAPER, NOT ON DISK) and hidden somewhere very inconspicious until you memorize it. And muscle memory will take care of it, trust me. After you don't have to think about typing it anymore, you can just burn/shred/bend fold & mutilate paper you wrote it on. Bingo!
Don't hide the password where you hide your weed, either. Hide it somewhere ridiculous, like taped behind the refrigerator or the top of a fan blade.
Or you could just be lazy and keep it in your wallet.
Just don't keep it on a sticky note on your monitor, please.
I use it for most things, now.
You need more in your bank account.