nahhh blunts are pussy shit compared to moles. That's like comparing a tricycle to a motorcycle. Moles (really "mowls" for mixed bowls) are half weed, half tobacco, ideally American Spirit for maximum doming effect. Shit gets you fucked up. It's a fucking man's drug. Although I do know some hardcore beezys that like em as well. Can't say I don't blame em heheh
nahhh blunts are pussy shit compared to moles. That's like comparing a tricycle to a motorcycle. Moles (really "mowls" for mixed bowls) are half weed, half tobacco, ideally American Spirit for maximum doming effect. Shit gets you fucked up. It's a fucking man's drug. Although I do know some hardcore beezys that like em as well. Can't say I don't blame em heheh
Please explain how diluting your weed with tobacco gets you higher, not saying it doesn't, just seems a little counter intuitive. Do you think it would affect someone who smoked the same way?
Yeah, I have read about people doing this shit and it makes no sense. I have been smoking tobacco since around 1970 and weed since around 75'. I have, on more than one occasion due to lack of papers or paraphernalia emptied part of a cig an placed weed in the top third of it. Whenever I got to the part where weed met tobacco it tasted like shit and me a headache.
Please explain how diluting your weed with tobacco gets you higher, not saying it doesn't, just seems a little counter intuitive. Do you think it would affect someone who smoked the same way?
it doesn't get you higher like more THC... it takes 2 mole-bowls to get as high as 1 green bowl if you do them 50/50 (obv) but moles give you the gnarliest head rush you have ever experienced. Basically the crack of cigarettes.
Im glad to see it works out for you. My ganja is to damn good to be mixing brown shit in it.
hehe that's why we use american spirits... the best tobacco there is... they spray it down with ammonia so that when you burn it, it removes the base from the nicotine and it crosses the blood-brain barrier quicker and more intensely. sounds like horseshit i know, but look up freebase nicotine... some of my friends that like mokeys refuse to EVER use any other cigarette but spirits because it doesn't do shit to them anymore.
If you are talking about dokha: I have never heard of it refered to as mole/mokey. Probably because I don't talk to 16 year old pot heads who think they are the shit. :thumbsdown: Its called dokha dumbass.
@ Everyone: If you are just starting out with dokha, then this one is best for you. Not too intense, and by the time your half done with the bottle, you'll want the next level.
Gonna call me a dumbass for not using a word i've NEVER heard even though I know at least 20 people who smoke this shit? You're real fucking cool... even though i OBVIOUSLY use a different word because i'm from CALIFORNIA where people actually grow good weed, not fucking MINNESOTA where all of 3 people live.
YOU'RE the fucking dumbass wasting your money that bottled shit, instead of using American Spirits and making 50/50 bowls... "sprinkle a little on top" pshhhh u fuckin puss... we buy 1.5oz pouches of spirits for 10 bucks and that shit gets u stupid as hell. especially when you snap rips out of 2 foot beaker bottoms...
LOL, misunderstanding dude, the dumbass was referring to the 16 year old reefers who think they know everything. But I can see how that could be read differently than intended. As for the rest of your butthurt filled rant, I couldn't give a fuck. I'd like to see you make a 50/50 bowl of Mind Fire and see how you hold up. BTW, the only people I know who smoke dokha are in Montana who has medical grade weed too.
I would like to know why everyone thinks they are the top shit when it comes to the weed they smoke. I laugh every time someone tries to out do someone else's weed "rep". Everyone is in the same boat, doesn't matter where you live. Trying to out do someone is just juvenile, especially when its over weed :thumbsdown: <--- This paragraph is a general statement, not directed at you beanoil. You can now get your panties out of a bunch.
Montana has actually changed their medical laws, so now people can't make money from it. Which is gay cause it will really hurt the market and progress out there
What 16 year olds were you referring to??? because you replied to my post with that statement...
don't try and pull some passive-aggresive bullshit by taking back your insult that was CLEARLY directed at me. Fuck you dude, trying to save face or whatever. You're the one who cares about his "rep"...
Btw I don't care about "weed rep" considering i've never even heard or thought of it... i'm not the biggest stoner ever, i know that, i don't give a fuck. I smoke weed (and moles) because I ENJOY IT. Also I smoke shit weed. Nothing amazing. I am a poor college kid, I buy the shit that's 10 bucks a gram. I don't give a fuck, mid-grade weed gets me high. You are being the juvenile one here dude.
Not directed at me? You quoted my statement and replied. Are you just making speeches here for the hell of it then? About this topic? Awesome dude. Sounds like you're the one trying to be cool, i'm just saying you have no grounds to talk shit on me because we call it moles for a reason.
Gonna call me a dumbass for not using a word i've NEVER heard even though I know at least 20 people who smoke this shit? You're real fucking cool... even though i OBVIOUSLY use a different word because i'm from CALIFORNIA where people actually grow good weed, not fucking MINNESOTA where all of 3 people live.
Well I'm from California and I don't fucking smoke tobacco with my weed unless it's in a blunt. That's for the british and people with shitty weed. And don't think you're special for living in a state where we grow marijuana. It is grown everywhere. I'd imagine it'd be pretty easy to grow some dank shit in a state where only three people lived. Wouldn't have to worry about getting caught, as long as you stayed off the grid.
hehe that's why we use american spirits... the best tobacco there is... they spray it down with ammonia so that when you burn it, it removes the base from the nicotine and it crosses the blood-brain barrier quicker and more intensely. sounds like horseshit i know
You bet it does. You know the whole point of american spirits is that they are cigarettes with no additives (including ammonia), right?
Well I'm from California and I don't fucking smoke tobacco with my weed unless it's in a blunt. That's for the british and people with shitty weed. And don't think you're special for living in a state where we grow marijuana. It is grown everywhere. I'd imagine it'd be pretty easy to grow some dank shit in a state where only three people lived. Wouldn't have to worry about getting caught, as long as you stayed off the grid.
You bet it does. You know the whole point of american spirits is that they are cigarettes with no additives (including ammonia), right?
People in europe smoke SPLIFFS not MOLES... as in rolled up not bong rips. and obviously not everyone in California smokes moles... but they do call them moles/mokeys here which is what i was trying to communicate but everyone seems to find a reason to argue over this with me.
People in europe smoke SPLIFFS not MOLES... as in rolled up not bong rips. and obviously not everyone in California smokes moles... but they do call them moles/mokeys here which is what i was trying to communicate but everyone seems to find a reason to argue over this with me.
It was really only that guy General thingy arguing, and then I came in and started just cuz I didn't like your attitude. I mean, look back at these posts. You got really butthurt over minor insults that are practically formal speech on the internet. It was pretty funny, but after thinking about it, I'm kind of worried about your self esteem.
It might not be a pill. He talked about smoking them in another thread. I have no idea what these are
Dunno what moles are... cudn't find.
For a person who's body is naive to tobacco (Or at least one that hasn't got a tolerance), you can get a pretty heavy buzz.
Moar like it.
Joints of a water bong.
Be civilised.
Please explain how diluting your weed with tobacco gets you higher, not saying it doesn't, just seems a little counter intuitive. Do you think it would affect someone who smoked the same way?
it doesn't get you higher like more THC... it takes 2 mole-bowls to get as high as 1 green bowl if you do them 50/50 (obv) but moles give you the gnarliest head rush you have ever experienced. Basically the crack of cigarettes.
hehe that's why we use american spirits... the best tobacco there is... they spray it down with ammonia so that when you burn it, it removes the base from the nicotine and it crosses the blood-brain barrier quicker and more intensely. sounds like horseshit i know, but look up freebase nicotine... some of my friends that like mokeys refuse to EVER use any other cigarette but spirits because it doesn't do shit to them anymore.
Gonna call me a dumbass for not using a word i've NEVER heard even though I know at least 20 people who smoke this shit? You're real fucking cool... even though i OBVIOUSLY use a different word because i'm from CALIFORNIA where people actually grow good weed, not fucking MINNESOTA where all of 3 people live.
YOU'RE the fucking dumbass wasting your money that bottled shit, instead of using American Spirits and making 50/50 bowls... "sprinkle a little on top" pshhhh u fuckin puss... we buy 1.5oz pouches of spirits for 10 bucks and that shit gets u stupid as hell. especially when you snap rips out of 2 foot beaker bottoms...
mole (technically "mowl") = mixed bowl
moke = mixed smoke
besides the word DOKHA refers to that tobacco you buy, that doesn't even refer to the mix... so you call the mix of weed and dokha, dokha? genius.
btw i'm 20 you fagfuck, been smoking moles for 2 years now. Who the fuck made your condescending ass moderator anyway
What 16 year olds were you referring to??? because you replied to my post with that statement...
don't try and pull some passive-aggresive bullshit by taking back your insult that was CLEARLY directed at me. Fuck you dude, trying to save face or whatever. You're the one who cares about his "rep"...
Btw I don't care about "weed rep" considering i've never even heard or thought of it... i'm not the biggest stoner ever, i know that, i don't give a fuck. I smoke weed (and moles) because I ENJOY IT. Also I smoke shit weed. Nothing amazing. I am a poor college kid, I buy the shit that's 10 bucks a gram. I don't give a fuck, mid-grade weed gets me high. You are being the juvenile one here dude.
Not directed at me? You quoted my statement and replied. Are you just making speeches here for the hell of it then? About this topic? Awesome dude. Sounds like you're the one trying to be cool, i'm just saying you have no grounds to talk shit on me because we call it moles for a reason.
awwww haha thanks. not getting butthurt i just don't like people who are assholes for no reason...
Well I'm from California and I don't fucking smoke tobacco with my weed unless it's in a blunt. That's for the british and people with shitty weed. And don't think you're special for living in a state where we grow marijuana. It is grown everywhere. I'd imagine it'd be pretty easy to grow some dank shit in a state where only three people lived. Wouldn't have to worry about getting caught, as long as you stayed off the grid.
You bet it does. You know the whole point of american spirits is that they are cigarettes with no additives (including ammonia), right?
Yes i know that. But they're not really additive free...
People in europe smoke SPLIFFS not MOLES... as in rolled up not bong rips. and obviously not everyone in California smokes moles... but they do call them moles/mokeys here which is what i was trying to communicate but everyone seems to find a reason to argue over this with me.
It was really only that guy General thingy arguing, and then I came in and started just cuz I didn't like your attitude. I mean, look back at these posts. You got really butthurt over minor insults that are practically formal speech on the internet. It was pretty funny, but after thinking about it, I'm kind of worried about your self esteem.