OK, here we go. This is probably going to entice some people to start a shit storm and try to use this thread as a platform to bitch about personal vendettas. In the spirit of the new guidelines set forth for SG I ask that you make a separate thread in B&M if you wish to expound on the failings of a given staff member.
This thread is to discuss who you fell the best staff members are and why. I will make a poll and set it as multiple choice as it is likely many users may appreciate more than one staff member.
So here they are in no particular order other than as they appear on the index.php page under the Moderator column. If any of the Editors are left out please feel free to create a "write in ballot" if they are one of the staff members you would like to acknowledge.
If you vote please post and explain why you fell this way. This poll and this thread can be used for important feedback that may help the community and staff members reach an understanding that can benefit all.
I voted for culinaryoverlord for the following reasons.
- As far as his knowledge base for the section he mods he is one of the better matches on the site.
- He stays level headed even in the midst of drama driven troll attacks.
- Even though he has said some less than flattering things towards my person he has done so in a respectful fashion by keeping petty comments and suppositions to himself if he has had any.
- He carries himself with dignity even in the midst of the shit this site has seen flung at the glass over the last year.
C/O Does his job, keeps his nose clean, and has a ring of drama protection +10What's funny is how Rodent claims to be "for" this website, but this thread is CLEARLY a controversial/polarizing poll. What's the point any how? So you all can stroke each other off after you analyze the results of the community pecking order? You'd think in this time of transition (or flavor-of-the-week whacky idea Dfg figured he would try next)....one would rather instill a spirit of unity and camraderie, not some dick waving popularity contest or even tip-toeing in the realm of any sense of exclusivity.
But hey....gorgeous summer day in northeast Ohio, dude just got remodded, he has Dfg stroking his genitals behind the scenes with such eagerness.....how could he possibly help satiating an ego as insecure as his while originating such pointless and ponderous threads with the "purpose"(?) of this one.
Not a mod
Kindly keep this to HB
Rodent....you reported THIS post?????
The title of the thread is Best Mod on Totse....I give you an honest answer, and now your butthurt is trying to remove discussion despite you asking for it?????
ELL OH FUCKIN ELL @ this "new" Totse..... you want content, but then try to moderate content you don't agree with.
Either way, I got no favourite mod on here. Maybe Auschwitz because he linked me to some strange industrial music back on the real totse :thumbsup:
Thanks for the props TDR, I will do my best to keep it up, if I ever run for office, I want you as my spin doctor. I would have voted for a few more mods, but I kind of took this as a one vote gig. I would have voted for DFG out of simple respect, but he is not so much a mod as the 'grand architect/fire marshal' of totse, in my opinion.
"i'm not winning?, but I am your beloved overlord
I'll always stand by this place, be it admin, mod, member, or totse in general. For me to choose one would be to choose none.
I voted for all of them. FTW!
-To start it exposes how the originator of this poll and most of the respondents don't even understand common words a first grader is fluent in. In order to pick "the best" people should have picked only ONE, but instead this whole thing has turned into a politicially correct group hug. How cuuuuttttteeeeee!
-To the people that purposely posted for everyone......ELL OH FUCKIN ELL @ how "edgy" you are for Totse. Are you trying to remain a moderator for an eclectic website or running for ambassador for some 3rd world country. Your collective sucking up is EMBARRASING TO WITNESS.
-Its amusing to witness the GROSS misproportion of mods:users actually including themselves in this poll. What is that an indication of exactly? How the mod:user ratio is so off kilter.....or the fact that the only people that even seem to care about this poll or its purpose are the mods themselves. Hell, imagine if the people that voted for EVERYONE :facepalm: had every one of their votes disqualified....imagine how meager the numbers would be of only the other people that responded.
-And exactly who is in the "lead" of being the Best Mod on Totse? Do we need a drumroll for this mystery(?). Surprise Surprise!!!!! Everyone's boss ends up being "the best"....and at this point Dfg's backside is a wet pool of spit, saliva,snot and mucus from all the ass-kissing.
Yeah great idea for a poll Rodent....you people "found out a lot" didn't you? :cool:
The poll should only list Spectral and DaGuru.
Before that happens, lets have this thread title changed to 'Least shit mod'.
Never heard of it.
It's in HB.
Please stay on topic. Thank you.
Double balls! I forgot I'm a crappy baker. Free 1000 island salad dressing for everyone! Yeah that's it, grab a handfull my brothers, don't be shy, there is enough for everyone, did I mention it makes excellent sunscreen?, vote C/O!