Austin Massey - Awesome Double Kickflip

I just flicked through my Youtube videos when I came across this impressive double kickflip down a stair set. Smooth as butter, bolts landing, really stomped it down! That was awesome, nice going Austin :thumbsup:


  • MordFustangMordFustang Regular
    edited July 2011
    That was definitely nice, but he'd probably get laid more if he lost the helmet.
  • PlebertPlebert Regular
    edited July 2011
    First few times it looked shitty, then I remembered I can't double-kickflip shit.

    Is your youtube channel?
  • edited July 2011
    It's not my Youtube channel, I just happened to come across the video while looking through recently uploaded skate videos :D It's a really nice kickflip to be honest, I just love the stomp down on the bolts. I remember the first time I double flipped... It was an accident.

    I was at the skatepark with my friend when he shouts out "DOUBLE KICKFLIP". I just went for it, didn't expect anything to happen, and I land it rolling away to the sound of my friend being all like "What the fuck!?". Was cool.
  • PlebertPlebert Regular
    edited July 2011
    The only thing that could have made it better is if he caught it a little more "back foot" if you know what I mean. In other news I recently discovered I can still kickflip! even when drunk! and trying to impress canadians with my ozzie skilllzzzz.

    Damn you trx for making we want to take up skateboarding again, and then remembering the 8 stair incident.
  • edited July 2011
    Skateboarding while drunk is funny :D When I was at a party a few weeks ago, me and a few friends found a skateboard at the house we were at and took it to the nearest parking lot to skate around. It was wet outside but that didn't stop us from having a kickflip contest, where you have to land 3 clean kickflips in a row to win :thumbsup:
  • PlebertPlebert Regular
    edited July 2011
    just curiously, whats the worst you've injured yourself skateboarding?
  • edited July 2011
    Oh man, I've injured myself so many times that I don't even remember a "worst time". I remember my wheels sliding out from underneath me on a quarter pipe once. The board slid out, and as I put my foot down to run down the ramp, I put my foot on my fucking skateboard causing me to do the splits and smash my knee on the ground :facepalm: My knee has been messed up ever since that. I made a post about having a shitty knee in a night ops thread a month or so ago, because of the time I smashed it up skateboarding :(

    I've never had any breaks though, strangely. I landed on my head one time but surprisingly it didn't even hurt. I got up and walked away, amazed at what just happened. Pretty lucky really.
  • PlebertPlebert Regular
    edited July 2011
    Quarter pipes and mini's are notorious for that exact injury, I can remember it happening to so many people back when I skated regularly.

    The worst I can remember (besides permanently disfigured shinbones from a ledge) would be trying to tre an 8 stair, which at the time was well beyond my ability...the board got away from me and ended up perpendicular to the ground which is how my delicate gooch and/or family jewels found it.Scrotums aren't made for that kind of impact,ever.A very merry christmas it did not make.
  • edited July 2011
    LOL, that reminds me of this famous bail at the Carlsbad Gap...

    You also reminded me of the time I was messing around and I tried a really shitty nosestall on a tiny ledge, without putting any effort in as I wasn't actually trying to do anything amazing. Anyway, my back foot slipped off the back of the board and I ended up smashing my already bruised shin right into the tail of my skateboard :facepalm: I was laying on the floor in agony for ages, and that bruise got a lot bigger and swollen too. Was horrible!
  • PlebertPlebert Regular
    edited July 2011
    When I'm back in my mother country and work out how to make my old hard-drive a slave drive, I'll upload my genitalia wrenching video.(You don't know how to do you? <.< )

    I swear I fucked myself up more times than I actually landed things, and it was ALWAYS doing reallllly simple things.

    I'm the guy breaking his ankle ollieing the gap in this :facepalm:

    Most of the guys went on to be amateur professionals in this video, I went on to editing shittier things.

    Trying to do a lazy noseslide on a miniramp, missing the coping monumentally...defying gravity momentarily and focalising my entire body weight onto the point of the hip.

    Ollieing off a friends ledge in his back yard and catching my eyesocket on his fucking clothesline

    Ollieing up onto the same ledge off a kicker,making like...1/3 of the height and just decimating my shins.

    Getting wheelbite rolling down hills.

    Tripping over whilst walking.

    Main point is, Fuck you gravity.
  • edited July 2011
    That was a pretty cool video man, I enjoyed it! It's a pity I never got in on making a video :( I did however, get to hang out with Chewy Cannon (see vid below)

    His style is incredible to see with your own eyes in real life, he skates so fast and fluently. He's also a really cool guy which is good, as a lot of people you meet at the skatepark are total dickheads.
  • PlebertPlebert Regular
    edited July 2011
    That guys style has some serious aesthetics, especially considering most of the tricks he was doing were at speeds too great to bail from (I'm looking at you flatground 360)

    Here's a good representation of what they moved on to...

    And here is a good a representation of what I moved on to

    Don't judge me.
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