We're using VB4 and as much as I want to go back to the old layout it doesn't really benefit us, sure we might look old school but honestly it just doesn't work. A friend of mine (twitter) remarked on our old theme and said it looked like a website from the 90's. Although he was just joking around but it did seem quite harsh and the funny thing is, it was true. Our old layout was patchy at best. Sure we looked like Totse but people is 2011. It's the Ipad generation, how the hell are we going to progress if we stick to the past.
It's that simple reason that I went ahead and made the move. We need to be unique and something better, you can't just go riding on totse dick forever, I mean we have so much fucking potential. The only problem we have is, we're torn between old totse and the new totse and totse.info. We can't decide what to pick and what to do. You don't need an oldish layout to contribute, what you need is a solid platform that makes it easier to search, post and share content all the while keeping the community feeling going.
We have made many developments. Considering the history of Totse and Totse clones, I think we're the only community that has rapidly progressed and developed itself. It took months for Zok to implement any changes and he is a PHP programmer, that dude basically lived with coding and can do pretty much any thing. Same goes for Jeff hunter. But even with that, we have been keeping up with times.
Some times change is good, a change can help you get ahead. It's time we take the leap of faith and become something awesome. We have been aiming for it and each day I tried going ahead, the whiners would jump up and down crying about this and that. If you want the old totse so bad, just install some CSS scripts and make the changes locally or if you're desperate than go code one and I will use it. But I am not going to waste time poking a dead horse and cupping its dried balls.
Anyway, VB4 is here and it will stay, CMS will stay but the theme will be changed and NO it will be not be some fucking theme that can't be reworked. It wasn't easy to work the old theme and it's not easy to make a unique drupal theme. I have been working with drupal themes for a while and trust me, it's far difficult than you think. People get top dollars for creating drupal themes. So, it would be nice if you keep the bitching meter down. If you want something bad, kindly use the thread I created. If it can be done, it will be implemented, no questions asked.
I need Totse Logo and other icons. I mean I want a new Logo that fits well with the current theme and current look. It should be awesome in every way.
Plus, I need Icons. Icons for Forums and Posts. I am using the old ones using some creative hacking but it doesn't really do us any good. VB4 has new icons and VB3.8 icons don't fit or don't exist in some cases.
If this theme is going to be truly awesome, it needs custom icons and things. Plus, I am proud to announce TOTSE COMMUNITY BANNER ADS!
Thanks to VB4 ad management, you can now advertise with us FOR FREE! Create a banner and ten submit it to me. The banner will be displayed in Money Money Money Section.
Also, I can add custom banners for sections. You just create different banners for sections and if they fit well, I will add them to different sections. We can change them from time to time if you want.
The theme is 68% done. I have invited Bk and Trx to help out since they were eager to try it and they will be working on our mirror forum. So, expect more features soon.
Oh, we will have three themes:
My friend also told me the other day that this place reminded him of a really old website from the 90s, and I laughed but it was a little true. Glad we made the move.
Oh yeah, and VB4 styling IS hard. I totally underestimated it, lol.
I'm all for a completely new logos and stuff, as long as we can have a whole new default theme with it. I know it tradition, but drop the fucking teal color. lol Very retro.
I do like the banner ad idea, what size banner is it? That way I can start making some stuff.
Can we get the sizes for everything you need?
I will make some backgrounds and a few buttons.
EDIT: I have made a start on a background, I need some ideas on it.
Wow, Drrocker you're following the DaGuru bandwagon now. LEARN TO KEEP UP WITH TIMES.
Learn to grow up for once.
Do you love him that much you cannot but help type his name so often?
^That wasn't funny. It isn't entertaining when you just sit around in the corner and mock others.
I thought it was funny, in fact, I will most likely be using that gif myself in future situations.
Anyway, I don't mind the changes as long as the forum still has a unique look, and not just the generic vB4.