Something still isn't quite right... I can't put my finger on it. Maybe it's the fact that you still haven't added the sidebar and the header. But it just feels as though we're posting on some temporary board while Totse is down
I don't like the gray threads If you want to signify hot topics then you should use a bright orange/red icon next to the post instead of changing the color of the thread title. Just a suggestion.
Also, put the frigging sidebar back in already. I want my links to the CMS!
Sorry lost FUCKING POWER 4 times in a fucking row. Gimme some time to finish things. I was changing the icons when that bastards powered of the lights and now it's raining outside.
It's looking really nice actually, and it's definitely coming along nicely. I'd still like to see the sidebar though, that's what would really make it look like it used to again. It's up to you though, I can roll with this
Hey dfg, I've noticed the entire top bar with the links to home, forum, etc, disappear entirely when you click what's new (only forum shows up). I've attached a screenshot to show you:
Are you using a specific hack to create those bars, or are you editing the templates themselves? There's a mod on that you may find helpful:
This mod allows you to easily add and remove tabs on the navigation bar using the adminCP. Tabs can appear as "selected" after being clicked, automatically deselecting the other tabs.
You also have the option of indicating which groups are allowed and not allowed to see the tabs via usergroup id.
Tabs may operate as normal select tabs, as drop-down menus. or as links to external sites.
I would also recommend offsite bbcode for posting articles/news stories from other sites.
Hey dfg, I've noticed the entire top bar with the links to home, forum, etc, disappear entirely when you click what's new (only forum shows up). I've attached a screenshot to show you:
Are you using a specific hack to create those bars, or are you editing the templates themselves? There's a mod on that you may find helpful:
The new posts button is broken for people who aren't logged in. Clicking it even just once will tell you that you have to wait 15 seconds between searches. ONCE! I wait for at least 15 seconds, click it once again and it says the same thing.
The new posts button is broken for people who aren't logged in. Clicking it even just once will tell you that you have to wait 15 seconds between searches. ONCE! I wait for at least 15 seconds, click it once again and it says the same thing.
Fix please!
It's not really broken. If you press what's new it will show the results and when you press it again it will show you a box telling you that there is a 15 second delay before each search. This restriction does not apply to registered users.
Looking good so far. It really is a bitch to change anything in VB4. The stylevars sort of make sense but it's more of a pain than it's worth. When we originally switched they had a bunch of annoying overlaps so you could never get anything to work right. I still haven't gone back and fixed the theme but the majority of it works.
Edit: Your new post forum widget doesn't update very fast. I would recommend updating it.
^ Thanks for the support, and the plus 1 that VB4 is a bitch to style. Dfg's doing a good job though, we're getting there. As for the new post widget, I don't like that anyway
Looking good so far. It really is a bitch to change anything in VB4. The stylevars sort of make sense but it's more of a pain than it's worth. When we originally switched they had a bunch of annoying overlaps so you could never get anything to work right. I still haven't gone back and fixed the theme but the majority of it works.
Edit: Your new post forum widget doesn't update very fast. I would recommend updating it.
I kept the updating to low since I am going to replace it or move it around. When it comes to stlying, the stylevar is useless. I am working with direct PHP and CSS to get the results. I am slowly poking things around. It doesn't help when you're facing rolling blackouts throughout day and night and some idiots start making threads about this and that .
There is but it's hidden at them moment. Try this, go down and change to Default theme. You will see the box. Enter details and then click remember me. Change theme and you will be done. Currently there is an issue with logo overlapping the box.
Yo, I merged Pacino's thread with this one to save the number of similar threads popping up. Also, what's so hard about typing your password in every time you come here? The only time I find it difficult is when I'm drunk - it makes me wish there was less special characters in my password and that I'd used something from the dictionary :facepalm:
Random threads that I have not posted in have the indicator arrow that shows a user which threads they posted in. These arrows are still shown even when not logged in.
Random threads that I have not posted in have the indicator arrow that shows a user which threads they posted in. These arrows are still shown even when not logged in.
I am not logged in in the screen shot, and the arrows are still there. vB4 also uses arrows to indicate which threads a user posted in, so I think this is a result of trying to use the old icons.
Ouch, we have 30 second flood control here? Fuck, I'm glad I'm not a regular member. Way too high.
This is a really good idea :thumbsup:
I mean it doesn't apply to you if you're posting in a section. I will reduce it to 15 seconds.
Also, put the frigging sidebar back in already. I want my links to the CMS!
I think it will make the page look less cramped.
look at the bottom of the post. You will see two buttons. First one is for infractions and the other is for report.
Are you using a specific hack to create those bars, or are you editing the templates themselves? There's a mod on that you may find helpful:
Tabs Add System for vBulletin 4 (sstab advanced)
I would also recommend offsite bbcode for posting articles/news stories from other sites.
Here's the information for offsite bbcode:
Title/tag name: offsite
<div style="padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px;border: 1px #666666 solid;margin-top:5px;padding-top:15px;padding-bottom:15px;margin-left:40px;margin-right:40px;margin-top:10px;">{param}</div>
Example: [offsite]offsite content here[/offsite]
Use {option} No
BBcode added.
I edited the templates, can you kindly send me the mod files
Fix please!
It's not really broken. If you press what's new it will show the results and when you press it again it will show you a box telling you that there is a 15 second delay before each search. This restriction does not apply to registered users.
I assure you that I did not click twice. I even left the page, came back to it a little later and checked again - same problem.
How do I screenshot something that isn't there
You know that line that separates the post material from the signature.
Edit: Your new post forum widget doesn't update very fast. I would recommend updating it.
I kept the updating to low since I am going to replace it or move it around. When it comes to stlying, the stylevar is useless. I am working with direct PHP and CSS to get the results. I am slowly poking things around. It doesn't help when you're facing rolling blackouts throughout day and night and some idiots start making threads about this and that
Thanks for the input.
well maybe more than 10 but anyway its annoying
Use your browser password manager mate.
make a paki theme plz
Can I have a screenshot please.
I am not logged in in the screen shot, and the arrows are still there. vB4 also uses arrows to indicate which threads a user posted in, so I think this is a result of trying to use the old icons.