Doing oil changes yourself is both fun and cost-saving. Because every car is different, I'll detail how to change your car's oil with generic names and locations, but you'll have to find the specific parts yourself.
You need:- Ratchet wrench
- Oil catcher
- Funnel
- New oil
- New oil filter
- Jack and jack stands
Before you start:
- Make sure your car hasn't been running for a couple hours. Hot oil can burn you.
- Make sure your oil and oil filter are acceptable for your car.
- Check how much oil is needed in your car.
- Make sure the area around you is clear and safe.
The oil change:- Jack up the car, enough so that you can look underneth
- Place jack stands to support the car. Do not go under a car supported only by the jack.
- Find the oil pan under the car (should be under the engine) and place the oil catcher underneath it.
- Remove the plug in the oil pan and allow the oil to drain into the oil catcher.
- Replace plug when all the oil has drained out.
- Locate your oil filter. Some are located underneath, while others can be reached from above (under the hood).
- Remove the oil filter.
- Rub some oil on the new oil filter's rubber ring.
- Fill the new oil filter to about 2/3 full.
- Place the new oil filter in and screw it into place.
- Unscrew the oil cap (located under the hood) and place the funnel into it. Pour the oil in, but not all at once. Check your dipstick here and there to mark your progress. When the oil has reached a level between the min and max lines, that's enough.
- Put your oil cap back on, lower your car, clean up, and you're good to go!
That's a great idea. Does he drive up from the curb ramp? That's the only way I can think of doing it, but it doesn't work for me cause my house is in the middle of the street and there are trees next to the sidewalk.
Yeah, there's a curb ramp at the garage, and the parking space next to it is usually empty, so it's really easy.
I don't either. I just park my car on the hill in my driveway at an angle with the drain plug facing downhill, then put my car in gear and put the handbrake on.
Your dad's a totsean? Awesome
As soon as I get a car, I'll be coming straight back to this guide.
no he is nosey and was reading over my shoulder...
Just like to say, thank you for posting this information, but i am a little confused with step number 9.
Basing my thoughts on the picture, i have no experience in cars and i don't look at what's under my car, how would you go about filling a car with oil? it seems that the nozzle is upside down, so wouldn't you need to exert pressure greater than 1ATM to fill the new oil up?
Step 9 is mainly to make sure there is oil flowing as soon as the car starts up. Otherwise the oil from the pan may take its time to reach the engine and whatnot, and insufficient lubrication can cause damage (that's what she said
The bottom of the car is where you drain out the old oil from. You will be able to access the oil cap by popping the hood and fill the oil from there. I'll make a note of it in my guide.
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