buddha wrote: » Actual pic of TDR in the original post
buddha wrote: » ^his great grandson had to type that, you know old people and computers. ^that was meant for tdr
TheDarkRodent wrote: » Too poor to steal Dragon Naturally Speaking.
mafiabro wrote: » Seems to be a nature boy^
jarkof wrote: » Has a douche pickchar. Haha just messing all of them turned out great including yours. I just coulnt think of anything bad to say about you.
TheDarkRodent wrote: » Seems to be named after a dead hairy fossil.http://www.manimalworks.com/pagesenglish/sheetsreconstructon/sheetjarkovmammoet.html
mafiabro wrote: » actually he carries all the shit lol, but clever He's a nigger rodent
duuude wrote: » WOOOOOO!!
Gary Oak wrote: » Is like a gay Justin Bieber?
jarkof wrote: Was nicknamed douche last time i broke out the pokemon game. Cant help it. And fuck you are like the last person who still makes the beiber comments.
^Tied bow in OP with his own lips.
^that was meant for tdr
^Cant keep up with the posters
Too poor to steal Dragon Naturally Speaking.
Obviously uses windows.
Has a douche pickchar.
Haha just messing all of them turned out great including yours. I just coulnt think of anything bad to say about you.
Carries Paco's gear on exploratory adventures.
He's a nigger rodent
Seems to be named after a dead hairy fossil.
Haha you are the first person to catch that. We watched a vid about Jarkov in high school and the fact that anyone would name anything like that made me laugh. And I kept it this whole time. But changed the spelling slightly lol.
Oh yeah and seems to be some sort of nigger rat. dressed as Vader.
Damn dude I didnt even notice this post. Sorry I stole your comment with the nigger rat. Just pretend it didnt happen.
I didnt see anything:hrmph: <---- i miss that smiley
This isn't 4chan pictureboy
Also: I got the connection
two birds one stone. Or one dick. I dont know what you prefer.
Next time use mallows.
Just messing by the way. That was a funny talk.
Has this poster stapled on the ceiling over his bed.
I still remember faggot.