good that bitch is dead . she was going no where with her music career , always being drunk or on drugs while she was on tour and performing on stage . :facepalm: no idea why the other band members said fuck it and left her ass to rot.
It pisses me off when some idiot has a bit of talent and gets the luckiest breaks possible and then pisses it all away like that when people with real talent struggle all their lives and never get heard like they should. I hope someone pisses on this stupid cunts grave.
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If it wasn't for the drugs and alcohol, she wouldn't have a career. If you have a look @ her list, you'll notice a lot of them were drug inspired.
To be honest i only liked one song and the rest were shit.
This post has been brought to you by the letter P and the word piss.
To be honest i only liked one song and the rest were shit.