ITT we post your fantasy . keep it realistic some of us may just come back to this thread and try and get our female to perform one of these fantasies but what eves if its not realistic go ahead and post.

one of my fantasies is that my chick slowly jerks me off till im about to cum then she goes down on me slurps my cum , continues to give me dome till i cum then she fucks me till i cum again , then she makes me a sammich
young fresh meat.
The only reasons to keep an old, frigid cunt around is for show, so all the neighbors will think you're an upstanding citizen who would never think of cock choking their adolescent daughter. Oh, and cooking, but I digress.
I share your sentiments and am a supporter of the age of marriage being reduced to 14 years old and hebe/ephebophilic relationships. It will be a Eugenic improvement, if anything and help in casting away reactionary feminist doctrines and to uphold the patriarchy.
Hardcore bondage, whipping people with a cat o' nine tails.
Rape, of course.
its a comic book series search google images for fansadox sickest these are the things that turn me on the most hard as a rock
not sure why i picture these things in my head all the time this is one fantasy ill never be able to do i just find torture ect extremly hot prolly where my bondage fetish comes from
i did have a girl ask me to cut her wile we were fucking once but thats as fair as this fantasy has gotten
and the 3 sum thing is blah 3 girls is better then 2 but that was a one time thing
Hey! I put a few of those magazines (I have them all) in the Literature forum here
My fantasy is pretty messed up, but under the angelic surface of my girlfriend, she's into the same thing...*eyes up the 50ft of rope on his bed and the below quote*
Always think of your bondage/BDSM thread, CO