Intro: never had allergies in my life, just had a reaction about a week ago. Burned through a box of benadryl in no time, but it did nothing to help. So this brings us to now, I got a box of standard 24hr claritin (10mg loratadine ea) and took 2 (the box says never take 2)
I went to sleep at midnight which was 7hrs after first pill 2 hours after second. It is now 2am and I have had at least 6 "extended" super vivid, bizzare, crazy, dreams, sleep paralysis 4 times, and extreme hypagognia associated with the paralysis episodes. At least one of the paralysis episodes had me out of body. The dreams themselves were pretty good except the most recent one which took an extremely evil and terrifying turn. I don't plan on going back to sleep until this stuff is gone from me.
All of the paralysis episodes were extremely terrifying. 2 I tried to control and lead them to be good experiences, but to no avail. In these last 2 hours I have literally had days of dreaming. Usually I don't have dream recall until at least 4hrs into sleep.
The benadryl which I had been taking in moderately high doses gave me some crazy dreams too but no nightmares/terrors/paralysis
I had looked into the dreaming effects of anti-histamines beforehand because dreaming is what I enjoy. It seemed like it would be a really good enhancer and I thought other peoples negative experiences would not apply to me. It was my first time ever with H1 antagonism. I thought H3/4 antagonism also looked very interesting, but that is all besides the point.
I have very little knowledge of (anti)histamine and I won't be sleeping until tomorrow night. I might actually go back to sleep, but right now I am cold on the inside and sweaty from being terrified. Actually I hope I am truly awake right now. I hope I don't start wake dreaming shit and lose my mind.
Lastly is there any quick way I can agonize H1 in order to counter the effects even if it worsens my hives. Dreaming is what I love, but this experience has brought me little joy.
Tonight, I'll pop a few Loratadine before I go to bed and see what happens, okay?
It's actually more common than talked about, I guess pharmaceutical companies don't want people to know that their precious miracle cures could carry such heavy side effects.
There is no avoiding it if you are sensitive to it, you just have to get over the hump. Claritin, zyrtec, and allegra all had the same effect.