My and my friend were gathering fallen trees for a little fire and gettogether at my house the other night, and I pulled this tree out of the forest that had fallen, but was still attached to a stump.
When my friend started Ax-ing the tree some questions, it started bleeding.
A lot.
We filled up about 1/3 of a five gallon bucket. It looks like tree sap, but has the viscosity of water. It isn't flammable, and another of my friends said it tastes tree-like.
What can I do with this mystery liquid, and why was my tree bleeding?
But really, it sounds like the tree of life and you just slaughtered Gaia. Got any pics?
I have no idea what kind of tree it was. It was pretty much all dead except for the still attached to the stump part.
But the sap shit was pouring out of it like a water faucet.
Trading this image for further information
Ashes are all that remain.
I'm tempted to replace somebody's maple syrup with the mystery liquid.