What is everyones 5 favorite drugs they like to consume? You can add an explanation if you want, but it's not really necessary.
1. Pot - It's literally always needed. Great social tool, great bartering tool, good medicine, this plant does it all. Goes with pretty much everything else, chills you out or fucks you up more, it's just awesome.
2. LSD - Some of the funnest times I've ever had. Literally can't see how you can have a bad trip (compared to shrooms), it's always fun but still leaves you with the ability to be serious when needed be. Mind opening, makes dancing funner, keeps the party going until the sun is back up and its good for chillin around town. If you haven't tried it, then I'd best be looking for it as soon as possible.
3. MDMA - Happiness

all that can be said. Makes me so in tune to people that it almost feels like I can read minds.
4. Alcohol - Good for partying, good for a kick back with the friends. When you want the party to keep going past dawn but the schedule ones have comedown, alcohol will keep you going. Goes good in combination with almost everything (if you know your limits) and everyone loves a good drink!
5. Nitrous - Whomp whomp whomp. They call it hippy crack for a reason, you just can't get enough. Boosts everything to intense levels, makes dancing so much funner. Wakes muh brain up
2. Oxycodone - Love the opiate itches and warm feeling, and of course the Euphoria
3. Codeine - Same as oxycodone only less potent.
4. Kratom - Great for a legal drug. Opiate feeling similar to codeine.
5. Nitrous - If only it lasted longer, if it did it'd be bumped up to number two.
2.DMT - Hesitant to put this on a list of 'favourite' drugs, simply due to the fact it isn't really that kind of recreational. If you've done it, you'll know what I mean. If not I guess you'll either find out or not. Regardless, it's a hell of hallucinogen.
3.Coke - As long as you don't become a total fiend, nose candy is fun if you're out and about with some people who don't have much to talk about.
4.MDMA - Use it with a/many loved one(s), put on some good music, love life.
5.Oxycodone - Thrash those dopamine receptors like you just don't care. Just don't abuse what you can't afford to lose and for gods sake don't drink too much.
My perception of these drugs it's entirely subjective to my experiences with them, as they all contributed at one point or another to some seriously good times.Also it might be worth noting these are the drugs I do least often, there is a good reason for that.
2. Downers. Alprazolam, diazepam, clonazepam in that order. This sleepyness I love. It's that other chemical half of me if that makes any sense. Never had a chance to try barbiturates or quaaludes. And don't even thinking of calling booze a downer. The only downer booze is is a Debby Downer. Depending on what 'session' this could take spot #1. I've had times with hydro that beat any with benzos and vice versa.
3. Morphine / opium. Haven't done any other opiates in sufficient levels to get a handle of them. Meh. Maybe haven't taken enough, but not a fan of that sleepyness.
4. Uppers. Cocaine (crack), methamphetamine and cocaine hydrochloride (coke) in that order. I also love my coffee but I wouldn't quite consider that an upper in the recreational sense.
5. Hallucinogens. Psychedelics (acid/fungus amongus/whathaveyou) disassociates (DXM/ket) and a big fuck you with a rake to delieriants in that order. Actually, you can put hallocinogens anywhere in 1-5 of what I've done. Depends on the experience. Wouldn't really consider these drugs in a recreational way except for, maybe, shrooms.
2. Alcohol - Beer, wine, whiskey. We've been drinking for millenia, isn't it great?
3. Opiates - Who doesn't looooooove opes? Seriously, if Opium were legalized like it used to be, we probably wouldn't have all these problems with junk, norcos and oxy's, now, wouldn't we?
4. Hallucinogens (LSD, Peyote, Mushrooms, Salvia, et al) - The reason for hallucinogens being so low on my list is because of their rarity. (in my area at least). A good trip (meaning high quality shit) is usually very hard to find, unless you have time to explore your city. So any trips you get will either be low-quality shit with a good size dose,or good quality with a low size of dose.
5. Nicotine - I'm already hooked on cigs. So's anybody else who says this.
2 Weed- Its always great to have.
3 Adderall- Who dosent like feeling invincible?
4 DXM- I prefer Triple Cs, there $2 a box at my local dollar general.
5 Methadone - Its just soooooooooo amazing.
Don't ever take triple c's.
For real. I can't knock DXM, I used to have some really good times when I was younger and experimenting with it, but definitely don't use triple c's. That could potentially kill you.
The little zicam cough spray bottles are the way to go for a good robotrip.
Let's see how far I get.
2. vicaden
3. coke
4. perks
5. whiskey
My hard drug days are over.
My wife and I smoke pot daily. I get a 1/2 ounce every Friday for $70.
Caffeine: Not really my favorite, but I use it most often.
LSD: I love the energy and creativity boost. Wish I could find it more often..
Booze: Like some rum and coke.
Weed: Good when it doesn't make me psychotic.
See i know that there bad but I could pay $6 for a bottle of robotussin or $2 for a box of Cs.
1. I never said that I even did DXM anymore, let alone that I'm addicted too it. You need to check up on your reading comprehension. If I was "addicted" to DXM, it would be on my top 5 drug list, would it not?
2. You being addicted to opiates (I'm assuming your addicted to opiates since you brought it up, see what I did there) is your fault. I've abused opiates for the past half decade and made the decision to quit after seeing too many people get addicted to it. You knew the consequences of opiate abuse, so don't get all uppity that you're a junkie.
2. Alcohol
3.... Caffeine?
I haven't done a lot of drugs, and i don't really plan to. I would try Shrooms, Salvia, and LSD though. Even though everyone here looks at me like im fucking crazy when i say id try LSD like its the hardest drug around, when they're knocking back cough syrup and sprite
EDIT: I would also try pure MDMA and Peyote too
It's like that where I'm at too, so don't get discouraged. You just need to find the people who are also into that scene. Molly should be a little easier to find, shrooms shouldn't be any hassle either because it seems like every high school kid wants to gobble that shit down. Good luck on your searches!
fuck u. triple c ftw
2. dmt
3. weed
4. various other psychedelics
5. benzos
2. LSD
3. DMT
4. Beer
5. Weed