Toys 'R' Us was, and always will be an amazing place in my heart. In my childhood I would often sit in the car outside the bright, wonderous store listening to Oxide and Neutrino. Going there I'd marvel at the latest electronic gadgets in the late 90s. That also goes for Lego and Duplo. Pirate and Star Wars sets plus a child-like wonder is one of the things that takes me back to my childhood. The only comparable thing would be IKEA when I was younger.
Did you get any good toys from Toys 'R' Us? Or have any fond memories? I just go there to throw balls around and try to feel younger nowadays

Also nostalgia thread - what makes these things Nostalgic for you?
Oh yes, definitely.
I love Toys R Us. The toys nowadays are amazing compared to what we had when we were kids. The store is always crowded b/c you can actually play/try out the displays.
FAO Shwartz is a million times better though, I have a pic of me in there inside a huge like 50 foot tall trojan horse, it was awesome. Also playing one of those GIANT pianos, So much cooler.
oh and the huge toys r us signs are realy easy to turn off from the outsite just like target and most fast food
at fast food places u can even turn off the drive through menu
2 week out of date choc-orange never tasted so sweet.
Also,white88enochian...your broken sig makes me think of colouring books.
I fucking sucked at colouring as a kid.
I don't need your conformist lines and I don't need your sympathy, kindergarten teacher.
Lol. I remember that stuff from preschool.