Ghetto music pertaining to rap, hip-hop or anything related that talks about:
-Being "cool"
-Consuming drugs
-Talking in a "ghetto" accent
-sexual slurs
Many people in my area(Bay Area) are attracted to this music and because of that, I believe people are being conditioned to think that if you act like the people in music..they will have no problems with their life..
I visited my old school yesterday and I took a look around and saw white girls talking in a "ghetto" accent and being extremely obnoxious. I have befriended some of these people and most of them talk about nothing but sex, fighting people, and drinking with crude grammar. The funny thing is, is that they live in a middle class(and upper) community. There is no need for white people to talk like a thug simply because there isn't any oppressed slaves who are in need to learn the english language so they decide to make up their own language:mad:
Ghetto music teaches people to be "cool" which is the most dangerous mentality to have..
you will be too cool to personally develop, or plan for the future and before you know are going to land a job in fast food service. Cool people are nothing but close minded narcissistic individuals who blame others, are unadaptable and believe that they are the only people who are going through challenges..
...and this is what ghetto music teaches..
Can you explain why? Instead of consistently being a bad poster?
Yeah, I'd like to know, too. Really, if we just kill all the nigger then they can't make ghetto nigger music. Problem solved.
Music is just the same. Same bullshit, new singer, new sounds, that's about it. From rappers to hardcore rock groups, I've heard so many kick ass songs and then later find out they are literally stolen lyrics from a song that played decades ago. You could make the argument that it is giving birth into the oldies, but I just think it's just lack of talent and I'll tell you why. Remember why everyone pirate(s)d music? Because out of a 15 song track you maybe liked one or two songs, that's why you bought it because you heard it on the radio, then you find out the rest of the CD is complete shit. Rarely did I ever like the songs I didn't hear on the radio, and that's why they weren't on the fucking radio. Notice how since they moved to the digital platform of paying $1 per track where you can try before you buy artist have somewhat stepped up there shit or cut back on the amount of songs they have, or take more time to produce albums now? They finally woke up a little to the industry raping them and the shit quality they were putting out. Not saying it's much better now, I still think music in general lacks any real fucking talent, but that's just my opinion and I hardly listen to it anyways.
I notice life without music makes you angrier as a person, I like angry.
Funny as I've noticed the opposite to be true.
Speaking of trance, even though I hate it, I made some last night.
Heres the secret link. Don't tell anybody.