I'm a firm believer in the whole anti self-diagnosis thing. I'm sick of kids who refuse to leave the house as they have "social anxiety" or are hyper little cunts because "my parents say I have ADHD". Sure, you may feel a bit shit or hyper every now and then. Everyone does.
Try having a real illness and being a fucking man about it. I have to do the following every 2 weeks and it turns me into an absolute mood monster but it allows me to eat and function as a physical human being.
So next time you think you are a bit down, hyper or whatever and expect attention, just think - you aren't alone. In fact, there are people with a lot worse shit happening in their lives than you.
Make the most of your life. You never know what's round the corner.
Those sorta side effects?
I know a mate with chrones, from what he told me it sucks, and the diet to help tastes like cardboard.
There is no known pharmaceutical or surgical cure for Crohn's disease.Treatment options are restricted to controlling symptoms, maintaining remission, and preventing relapse.
Fuck man, just kill everyone, hell you got a free card do it. Get well soon.
My mum is a perfect example. She has medically diagnosed depression. She takes meds n whatnot for it. She's also succeeded in her filings for social security disability for it. Also have a friend that was diagnosed with mild OCD. Everything she does that pissed people off she blames on it. There are the occasional instances where the ocd contributes to her actions, but usually she's just being a worthless cunt.
On the other hand, there's me. Off meds, I've been known to get 16 hours of sleep and do nothing productive while awake for months on end. I shake when making eye contact with strangers (even store clerks) because i get really nervous/anxious to get back to a comfort zone. Despite this, I still went to school/work and did the best i could.
I'm on meds now, and while i have the occasional day where i go back to the non-med days (and who the fuck doesn't have a few days here and there like that), I'm a well adjusted, fairly successful person. I work my ass off, get shit done, and despite not liking most people, can function among them without any real problems.
If you think there's a real problem get yourself checked out. Sure, it's somehow become hip to claim some self-diagnosed mental/physical problem and use it to your advantage. But don't be that guy. Be honest with yourself and those around you.
RemadE, man that is one shit hand you've drawn. But props to you for truckin' through it like a goddamn man. Stay well, bud.
It certainly can
RogueEagle, I know exactly what you mean. It does seem to be the "cool" thing to have some sort of crutch. Really gets on my tits, and I think the less medical intervention the better. I'm one for minimalist pills and things as they all cross-interfere. Still, slept like a beauty last night. That stuff knocks me out.
Same here. It took a long time for me to even consider one prescription. Even that, I'm only on 15mg/day, which is a low dose. It's by no means some sort of miracle cure, it just takes enough of an edge off everything to function properly.