pays the phone bills for him, my Sister and I.
Luckily I have a grasp on minutes and the fact that "unlimited" texts equates to about 3,000 as only a sad fuck with no life would send over that amount, right?
Well as I went to look in the Vodafone shop today I chatted to a mate who works there about my proposed upgrade to a HTC Desire, and gets me deals (extra Internet usage by 250-500MB and a few hundred minutes even if I never talk on the phone) and my Dad looked at the possible upgrades for my Sister...well, even he had never seen someone take the piss this much. Just look. She has 600 minutes and 3000 texts...and my Dad pays the bills...but not any more!
She was allways calling and texting him on it and as such ran up a massive bill.
At the end of the month she knew it was going to be big, so got us to steal the bill from the mail, it was about $250.
She then kept ringing him on it the next month, and when that bill came we didnt have the chance to steal that also.
In total it was about $600, plus intrest on the first months. Her parents were not happy at all.
She "ran away" and for some fucked up reason turned up at my place. For some other fucked up reason she had given her parents my address, so the cops came right round and found her.
She was allways calling and texting him on it and as such ran up a massive bill.
At the end of the month she knew it was going to be big, so got us to steal the bill from the mail, it was about $250.
She then kept ringing him on it the next month, and when that bill came we didnt have the chance to steal that also.
In total it was about $600, plus intrest on the first months. Her parents were not happy at all.
She "ran away" and for some fucked up reason turned up at my place. For some other fucked up reason she had given her parents my address, so the cops came right round and found her.
*looks at stash, then back at the screen. Back at stash. Back at the screen*
Maybe, actually.
She needs someone who can be their for her, who can look over her and advise her, somone who she knows will be strong for her and help her make the best decisions...
If you were any kind of brother to her you would have incested her ages ago.
Hello. Your brother wants to fuck you. Please be aware he is gentically inferior.
Your argument is invalid as illnesses such as mine are hereditary. However, why would I need a 16 year old sister fuckbuddy when my older girlfriend would let me do anything I want and never call the law.
You used to be a fairly reasonable poster there dr rocker but over the last several months you seem to have slid into a practice of talking shit with everyone. So I have a proposal for you. Why don't you connect to the Toste TeamSpeak Server and talk some real shit with some real shitheads?
no doubt nig, ain't no fun unless the homies get some.
Also, I heard you were gunna teach her how to dougie
LOOOOOL The wife is so not impressed