Different people have different ideas about lust. Some people lust over money while some lust for companionship. My journey started back in January. I was looking for a job and my mate RemadE hooked me up with some contacts. After some interviews, I was in. The Zoo was huge, it had lots of animals and birds. I have always a soft spot for birds especially the birds of prey. These huge and ferocious birds always triggered something deep inside.
Ever since I was 12, I have been a fan of birds. I have watched countless documentaries from Wild Planet to Hunting Kings. I have seen almost all the bird related documentaries. When it comes to birds of prey there has been only one bird that made me sweat. It's the Bald Eagle, for me it's the ultimate symbol of power and freedom. It's my childhood dream to pet one but it seems they're quite rare. So, this Zoo job was an opportunity for me to connect with my wild side, the side which knows no morals.
RemadE helped me a lot in this Journey since he is a known Zoophile and a lover of monkeys. According to him there is no such thing as wrong. You get high and you can make love to anything but I am just getting ahead of myself here. Lets rewind. First day on the job was amazing. I had a hard time at first but it's just a simple job but on that faithful day I did encounter something that blew me away.
It said The Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) on the sign board and the cage was poorly lid. I ventured a bit closer and then I was just stunned. It seemed the world just stopped. Time was frozen. I felt something beautiful, something ancient, like a power that was forgotten. It screeched and I jumped. Aware of my surroundings now, I focused on the object of interest. It was a beautiful Bald Eagle, even in this dim light I could tell she was a beauty. With long wings and a white head, she was just orgasmic. I knew I had to touch her, I had to be close to her.
The problem was, you can't get close to it. And even if you did it's quite dangerous. I didn't know what I wanted from her but I knew I need her, it's like you finally discover what's missing from your life and that one thing is just an arms reach away from you. To be honest I am glad what I did next. I focused on my work and I started visiting that cage daily. I knew the more she sees me the better my of chances of going near to her. Her caretaker was a 40 year old cunt who hated me, I am sure she wanted to fuck me but she just hated me.
I read some guides on TOTSE and decided to fuck that cunt. After some anal probing and some awkward positions, I was good in her book. From there I started helping her. She showed me the ropes, like how to calm the bird and how to inject it with drugs if required. While I was working with her, I was working on my plan for our first private meeting. The meeting I so desired. I spent countless night dreaming about our union. I know you might thing it's wrong but in my mind, it was just something that people do in love.
Weeks passed until I was ready, I have been working for over two months with that cunt and during that time I have been visiting my love. The visits were monitored by that cunt. I fed the birds and did some normal things. But even then I couldn't get close to her. The bird was was aggressive and untamed. The faithful day came when I drugged the cunt and made her take a leave and leave the birds just for me. We have been fucking for a while and she trusts me and that was enough for her.

I had the keys and everything. I knew the Zoo wouldn't get much traffic today and hey I am sure no one would notice a bird missing. I filled the injection and went into the cage. My heart was racing, I mean I was nervous as fuck but I had to do it. I injected the bird with sedatives and waited for her to calm down and then faint. It worked as planned. I took the heavy bird out, already I was sporting a huge boner. I was fearful I might cum early.
According to TDR another bird lover, you can't fuck a live bird. They're hard to control and they don't like being touched. It's different with cats and dogs but with birds you need to restrain them. I know the bird was mine for at least 40 minutes. I took her to observation room and carefully laid her out. I got naked and then rubbed my body against her feather, oh the feeling was intense. Her feathers tickled me and I think I came a bit too early but I was short on time and I am sure if I got caught in this position it would make the national news.
With my mighty boner in hand I shoved it between her feathers and started going back and forth. It felt different, I mean the sensation is different. Just imagine fucking a chicken wings and super size it. It felt great, I came and then I just opened her beak and forced the cum down her throat, I didn't over do it but it was fun. I did finger the poop hole and it wasn't that great.
Overall it was something that I wouldn't forget. I had little time but I did manage to fuck both feathers and licked the beak and insert the tail feathers up my ass.
During the next few weeks, I managed to fuck my love from time to time. It's a shame I had to drug it but hey it's just love. I should thank RemadE and TDR for helping me find my true love. People think that fucking Sheep, Cats is more fun but I think doing the symbol of pride and freedom is more exciting.
It's love babe, deal with it.
I think you're missing the point of having a laugh. I don't think this text file is actually intended for real life purposes, it's all in yo head
Sexual relations shouldn't extend to animals. :facepalm:
Also, this.
Dfg: "Hey ramdee, vot is your favourite animal?"
RemadE: "Oh no, we aint going there"
Sick fuck.
Thank God there's a non-zoophile on this site other than me & Darkhunter.
Time to get to work Dfg. Work your way through those to-do lists which you've been making.
Hey, I can take a break and just let my mind loose. Writing these things helps me come up with ideas. It's just the way I work. It's something that motivates me and gets me thinking. If I start to focus on things the normal way I would start noticing other issues and I will get pushed under a lot of weight, from family issues to economic issues to pending life problems. You need to jump into a fictional world to ponder on things. Plus, it's creative writing.
Zoophile sympathizers.