If you all want to prove you aren't all one in the same then all log onto Skype with DFG or Teamspeak and have a discussion with him. If he can vouch you all are different people by talking to you all at the same time then I will believe you and I bet many other members would as well. What do you think?
I think a handful of pathetic losers so desperate to obtain and then exploit other people's PI would come up with nonsense challenges like you are suggesting, and only no-life introverts not living a real life would even give a fuck. How's this for a way of looking at the world? For literally YEARS I've listened to absurd theories that I'm really one sock for this user or the other...and I have merely scoffed at all of that stupidity, not giving a fuck about my "reputation" on any message board. What makes you think your dimestore idea would move me any more than the first thousand times I've heard this tripe.
Keep on fishing losers, the "growth" of your website is so stimulating.....you morons are having to reach to THESE depths of depravity just to entertain yourselves.
ELL OH FUCKIN ELL @ how great a job Totse.info is doing at blossoming into something with this cast of buffoons.
:facepalm: I'm trying to remedy a situation amongst this board. Any better ideas?
Who in the hell is Datral?
daguru + Spectral = Datral
Boy oh boy are you ever confused.
No no no
:facepalm: = frustrated
But of course since you are confused I can't expect you to know that.
Yeah, you are right, your thread sucks.
You sir, are confusing a thread with people.
Why would I be friends with a split personality man that makes drastic claims. I even challenged him to PM me on Zoklet and have his handle over there admit the whole things. We all know that wont happen. Delusional.
Naw I know what I said and I stand by it.
And vozhde, TDR is trolling people now. The Mods and Admins notice his shit hence the Mite status.
Another one bites...
That post was for the other "confessions" thread. For some reason totse was very slow yesterday, and posts seemed to switch threads, and would not b deleted.
Why bite your shitty and pathetic attempts? :facepalm:
Take the hook out of your mouth I can't understand you.
And you were the last one to realize you had a hook in your lips, in your own troll thread no less, so what does that say for you?
What hook? The only thing you and -Specfailure have in common is you both talk out of your ass :facepalm:
Then why u so mad bro?
Then why all the PMs?
Responses to your insanity? How does it feel being a mite?
You really are slow on the uptake huh kid?
Reread my replies to the string of PM's you initiated out of anger. I am not a mite it is a just a title idiot. Oh, and like I said before, take the hook out of your mouth dumb ass.
How high are you? I don't PM people on this site. They PM me. Serious man you cant be more than 11 years old. :facepalm:
Yeah, you are gonna have to do better than that to anger me Jr.
No I just blocked the idiots.
You :mad: because you finally realized YOU PM'd me?