what it do playa haters

edited August 2011 in Spurious Generalities

Sorry I haven't been around recently, busy hanging out with some neat friends from Europe and talking about the year 2083 and what have you.

Anyway, enjoy this picture P.S. ask me about the time me and hab overdosed on various controlled substances and I screamed INFIDEL at the poh lice until my kidneys failed.

TUFF isn't about pretending to be a soldier like TDR, it's a goddamn alternate lifestyle choice for people who like Ke$ha hallucinogens and firearms.

As usual, picture is unrelated, that is, picture is unrelated until Hajji_McKoh-ran fucker sprays his useless Pakistani camel fucking opinion all over my thread.
P.S. give me back my Ke$ha avatar Dfg, and I'm not fucking asking I'm telling.


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