Yeah, you're right. It is just like when I catch a nasty raccoon in one of my live traps. I just can't help but to poke it with a stick until it wears itself out. I am just cruel that way I suppose. BTW, welcome to my totse live trap and thanks for walking in so willingly ya little coon.
Gaynglekai is just mad because no one cares about his pathetic attempts to undermine Totse. He's only still responding because there's nothing else he can do and still come away with enough dignity to live. We should feel sorry for him really.
<09:59:47> "MissingMuse" connected
<10:00:50> "HektiK" connected
<10:08:22> "Daktologist" switched from channel "AFK" to "Conference Room"
<10:08:22> Channel group "Operator (1407)" was assigned to "Daktologist" by
<10:09:09> "AlbinoEthiopian" connected
<10:10:00> "AlbinoEthiopian" dropped (connection lost)
Lying piece of shit.
2011-08-25 05:17:14.856249 |343| client disconnected 'FATTYMCFUCKFACE'(id:27125) reason 'reasonmsg=leaving'
InstantVentrilo InstantTeamspeak MyGameVoice Mumble
I couldn't agree more.