Just recently I've been talking to a girl who's hot as hell. She has a good personality. The only thing that bothers me (not really bothers me, but is a little bit of a connundrum with a lot of guys) is that she's about 3 inches taller than me. I personally don't give a fuck, because she's cool as hell. Just wanted to see what totse thinks about dating women who're taller than you. Does it matter to you?
Wouldn't really bother me though I don't think.
just meant that height shouldn't matter.
Guys are the reverse. Not all the time but there's definitely a trend, and evolutionary psychology explains why this is likely the case..
or what the fuck ever I'll just shut up now.
just use this line if she brings it up
baby height dont mean a damn thing when were laying down
My only stipulation is one of us should not have to climb the other/crouch down to kiss while standing.
Most of the gals I've dated were shorter than me, and I'm only 5'10".
However, have had a few taller.
Wasn't ever a problem, even with sex.
The only problem in that direction was size, and that only related to figuring out a few positions.
My brother in law is relatively short at 5'7", and my sister (his wife) is 5'11", and he cops shit all the time for it:rolleyes:
im not BSing she paid for this time at internet cafe.
*injects self with totse freebase*
QUOTED, you sick tranny fucker.
My missus is only 5 foot though:).
tall women usually need a longer and thicker cock to make 'em cum/make the sex worthwhile.
i'm sure you all already knew that, though.
Where the fuck did you come up with that load of bollocks?
Thank you for pointing out that you have little or no experience with woman that don't require inflation. :facepalm: