I want to get rid of someone living in my grouphome

OJpimpsonOJpimpson Semo-Regulars
edited September 2011 in Man Cave
preferably make her snap and then getkicked out and/or admitted to mental hospital. (this possibility is lot more realistic than it sounds). details:

im living in a group home with a girl i have a personal grudge with. its basically a regular sized house with 6 bedrooms. there are 8 kids here between the ages of 15 and 19. the environment is monitered. we need pocket checks when we enter the house, we cant be in a room with eachother without a staff. theres a girl who i have a personal grudge against that i need to get rid of. by 'get rid of' i mean sent to a mental hospital (for unsafe behavior) or kicked out.*a friend (who happens to be her roommate) and i agreed to execute a plan. the subject is very unstable, overweight and irritating. she got back from the mental hospital today after being there for 2 weeks. i need to be discreet or i might be in legal trouble. so far my plan was to find out what meds shes taking, pull some strings and buy from a friend, sneak it in and have her roommate say she found them in her room. so it looks like she was abusing them. i get weekend passes to go home from saturday morning to sunday night. this shouldnt be too hard but i need more ideas.

she turned me in and snitched on my friend if you must know. thats the grudge.
i really hope instead of having pity for the enemy we can come up with something real interesting.

there are people on the 3rd floor who run the house. these are the ones that have direct ties to department of mental health. ultimately, these people are the ones that need to be convinced. dmh has more power over these people but it would be harder to get dmh on my side. ive been working on my relationship with the 3rd floor and they seem to trust me now.

reasons kids go to the hospital are
suicide thoughts or actions
self harm
drug use
panic attacks and episodes

its harder to target without making me seem involved. thats what im working on

okay i really need something now, she went to the hospital for a week idk why but she just ruined my night and she was talking abt killing my mother. i like the drug idea, if anything else comes to mind ill be grateful. i need not to be blinded by rage so i can plot this well


  • MooseKnuckleMooseKnuckle Regular
    edited August 2011
    sounds like you got a namaste on your hands. the drug idea isn't too bad, if you can get it to work. also LOL you live in a crazy house
  • BigHarryDickBigHarryDick Cock Bite
    edited August 2011
    pay off the staff and you and the other crazy sluts do this to that fat bitch!

    Its funny, come on do it. then post pics
  • fagfag Regular
    edited August 2011
    If you want to do the drug thing, probably your most feasible option would be datura/moonflower. Shit will have her hardcore delirious for a day or three. Plenty of time for people to notice that she appears to be having a psychotic episode. Scopolamine and atropine are alkaloids, and could probably be purified through an A/B extraction. Mix the extracts with some DMSO, and you have a transdermal deliriant.

    Or, your place does sound pretty strict. Do they monitor your received mail? You could get some random benzos and painkillers and mail them to her. Would probably bring her under question. Especially if she actually does have any kind of pill addiction.
  • edited August 2011
    ^ Fucking Datura, for sure. Read about it online, it gives you the most fucked up trips for days on end. You can't distinguish reality from your trip, and you think everything is real when it's not... For example, in many of these trip reports I've read on Erowid, people speak to others in the room when they're not actually there.

    That will make you look mental, for sure. Plus, I don't think it will show up in any substance tests so you're pretty scott free. Just don't overdose her.
  • OJpimpsonOJpimpson Semo-Regulars
    edited August 2011
    not trying to poison the bitch. right now im working on messing with her mind but i want to take it to another level without being dangerous( leading to investigation which could trace back to me). keep in mind her room mate is in on the plan
  • edited August 2011
    Datura isn't poison, it's a hallucinogenic drug which is legal and easy to find out in the wilderness. If you don't want to go that far then I suggest something different... Hmm.

    Mind games. Start moving objects around when she isn't in the room. Leave sticky notes around the place with notes on of some description. I dunno.
  • blindbatblindbat Regular
    edited August 2011
    OJpimpson wrote: »
    ( leading to investigation which could trace back to me). keep in mind her room mate is in on the plan

    well even though her roommates in on the plan if she gets question she may rat on you in order to keep herself out of trouble + she could tell some other kid about the plan then that kid would rat on both of you guys. if you ever plan something its best to keep it to yourself .
  • OJpimpsonOJpimpson Semo-Regulars
    edited August 2011
    ive made great progress so far. the real exploit i found is that my acceptance and friendship means a lot to her. this almost sounds too easy but i want to truly get right. she apologized for starting shit with me last night so i "forgave" her and said we can repair the friendsnip and i appreciated the gesture. ever since then ive been iporing her whenever she talks to me. its going well but i need a deal breaker. please post
  • Darth BeaverDarth Beaver Meine Ehre heißt Treue
    edited August 2011
    So you are basically talking about the shit that drove the people at Jamestown loco, Jimson Weed.
  • PsychotogenPsychotogen Regular
    edited August 2011
    Sounds like you got enough problems. If i was you I wouldn't create more.
  • ThirdRockFromTheSunThirdRockFromTheSun <b style="color:blue;">Third<em style="color:pink;">Cock</em>FromThe<em style="color:brown;">Bum</em
    edited August 2011
    Are there any meds she uses needs to take to keep mental stability? I'd recommend replacing them with something.

    Old, yet classic. You might get away with it.
  • juggjugg Regular
    edited August 2011
    you are in a group home and they let you on the internet. especially sites like this no wonder the place is fucked.

    I call bullshit
  • TraumTraum Regular
    edited August 2011
    Drops of pure nicotine placed into a cup of coffee. It will kill her.

    I'm too lazy to go into detail of easy ways to get pure nicotine. Google it.

    Dead bitch = No more problem. Also if she smokes, the minute amount of nicotine in her body wouldn't be noticed. I believe under autopsy it will just show as a heart attack.
  • xbcnfujvxbcnfujv Regular
    edited August 2011
    you should photoshop her face onto a woman getting gang-banged by a whole gang of scary well-endowed black men wearing du-rags and leave the picture in the kitchen or something.

    that should cause some anxiety.
  • PsychotogenPsychotogen Regular
    edited August 2011
    xbcnfujv wrote: »
    you should photoshop her face onto a woman getting bang-banged by a whole gang of scary well-endowed black men wearing du-rags and leave the picture in the kitchen or something.

    that should cause some anxiety.

    Unless you suck at photoshop. Then it'll be mildly funny/sad.
  • Darth BeaverDarth Beaver Meine Ehre heißt Treue
    edited August 2011
    jugg wrote: »
    you are in a group home and they let you on the internet. especially sites like this no wonder the place is fucked.

    I call bullshit

  • xbcnfujvxbcnfujv Regular
    edited August 2011
    is she dust in the wind, yet?
  • munkeymanmunkeyman Semo-Regulars
    edited September 2011
    I applaud your maturity in simply wanting to get rid of her by getting her own actions to cause her downfall. It's classy and poetic. It also doesn't involve illegal things like drugging, poisoning, harming, threatening, blackmailing, or any number of things that could get you screwed.

    I would advise you to plant the seeds of conspiracy in her mind. Do and say things subtly that might cause her to think everyone, especially those that she trusts, is out to get her. Let her "overhear" things that would validate her suspicions. Plant rumors out of nowhere.

    If confronted, act confused and uninterested. Downplay any accusations as not worth listening to. Getting riled up, defensive, or emotional is a dead giveaway. Retool a negative "but you said this" into a more positive "I actually said this, I'm sorry you misheard". Get your ally to corroborate.

    Don't let her know to much. Just enough to drive her creativity. Let her fear of the unknown build up the conspiracies in her mind. You want to confuse her, get her to accuse everyone of lying and plotting against her, get her to destroy her friendships, and make her all-around fearful and paranoid of whatever kookiness she fills the void of "not knowing" with.

    Do this enough, and she'll do the rest herself. Things will degrade to the point where the guys upstairs will have to remove her from the group just to keep the peace.

    Also, if your posting from inside the group home your internet activities are definitely being monitored. Go to a public library or a starbucks. Cheers!
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