First off, who the fuck are you? Secondly, why the fuck does it say "Sever Operator" as your title when you clearly have the vocabulary and diction of a grade school handicap kid?
Dfg, I demand an explanation. I've seen this kidiot round here long enough. Maybe I'm missing something, but I do wonder at times.
Over my dead body son.
If you can verify this via the IRC logs he will be banned for trying to harm totse.
I've been on totse since 03 and this site since it was created I think
I got darthvineman in this bitch, helped pay for the server, and made y'all fuckers use it whe you wouldn't even tho it was free
I've trolled or been friends with all these fuckin idiots you consider totse legends I've chatted jeff and saved totse from wintermute
I type however the fuck I want also I have the shittiest tablet in the world next to and iped
I come on this site to exchange ideas and get info as well as notalgic memories
what's your fuckin problem with me you fuckin judgemental prick seriously I can't believe you posted a whole thread t whine about someone that hasn't done shit wrong
Just wanted to say I didn't have shit to do with any irc shenanigans because I ner use irc anymore go ask grove
What the fuck paco I thought we were friends we were always cool and used to chat on irc and you helped me that time I thought I was dying
Let's discuss freedom of speech since you brought it up. Like I have stated elsewhere when Jeff Hunter started Totse back in the 80's it was a dial up BBS as everyone knows. In those days there was no WWW. There was no place people could discuss topics that were taboo or shunned by mainstream society.
So when the original Totse spoke of freedom of speech it spoke of a place where people were free to discuss topics which they could not discuss elsewhere. It did not mean that you could just waltz into an intelligent conversation about a given taboo topic and say whatever you wanted without regard to the conversation at hand, It did not mean you could shit all over the conversation with off topic herp derp and claim freedom of speech/expression.
Think of it this way. Totse is a bar. In that bar patrons at a given table are free to discuss any topic they want. Various groups of tables are setup and each group of tables is designated for a specific range of topics to be discussed.
Now if a group of individuals are sitting at the group of tables designated for discussing topics of a sexual nature and some bozo blows into the bar, sits at that group of tables, and starts spewing shit about how he once found a puppy and broke it's neck. Others at the table are going to tell him to shut the fuck up. When he starts screaming about freedom of speech and won't shutup the bouncer is going to ask him to either respect the conversation taking place at the table orfind the correct table to discuss his dead puppy at. Should this person refuse the bouncers suggestions and continue to shit all over the conversation that was taking place he is going to be tossed out on his ear.
This is what is trying to get back to. The freedom to discuss, in an intelligent fashion, any topic you want. That does not mean the freedom to say whatever you want, where ever you want, just because you want. For those who do not get this distinction things will difficult here. For those that already understand this distinction bear with us as we take out the trash.