and I don't give a fuck! I'll sling that
monkey some dick 6 days a week.
This afternoon, I was working at my shitty job in the costume store, when these two black girls entered the store.
One of them acted normally, and politely asked me where a certain costume was, so I directed her to the other side of the store, but the other one ecstatically asked me for the same costume, while pushing up her tits with her hands.
Being exposed to the crazy/stupid actions of nigs, I calmly pointed her in the direction of friend without acting any different.
They ended up around walking around the store for a couple minutes, and the girl with the tits continued to flirt with me.
After awhile of that, I ended up not giving her shit. I felt I was too good for this nig, and that was that. Her friend kept telling how much the tit-girl liked me, and asked me if I was going to giver her friend any any play. I declined.
They sullenly left, and I was left with my thoughts. I came to the realization that the reason I wasn't breaking boxes as often as I should be was because of me. This totally hot black bitch wanted to fuck me and the only unwilling participant was myself, and all because I thought that I was too smart or attractive.
Then I thought about Thomas Jefferson. He was a great American leader, who was known for fucking his slaves. Was I better than Thomas Jefferson? No.
After that, I was slightly disappointed with myself for the rest of the day. I'd blown my chance to fuck this fine nig.
After about any hour and a half, I get off of work. I was headed for the bus, when my father called me and told me to stay put, because he was going to pick me up in the car to go do some dumb shit. So I waited. . .
And there she fucking was. We chatted for awhile, and it was quite obvious she wants to fuck me silly. For a black girl, she is very pretty, and she's got a nice slim body with both tits, and ass. She gave me her number, and we parted ways. I'm calling that monkey tomorrow.
Pics when it happens. To be continued..
Love, future estranged father,
Gary Oak
Oil Drillers make me sick.
I'll fuck you instead?
You seem mad.
Care to elaborate why?
I'm excited to fuck a black chick. Not many can say they accomplished that.
The funny thing is that my dad is a racist fuck. I'm not doing this for spite, but I now knows what it feels like when a white girl fucks a black dude to piss of her parents.
Don't say that about LC!
I've noticed that black people don't look at each other face to face when talking, their heads swivel all around and when I once tried to converse with two negros I was thoroughly conversationally lost, like their attention was elsewhere while the conversation maintained itself. fucking awkward
so tell me if you feel alienated during sex
also this thread may be better suited for the sex and affliction forum
It's not really socially acceptable here but fuck it (I will).
Some of them are all right looking.
Oh Jesus Christ, it's a fucking nigger invasion. :facepalm:
A/s/l? :hai:
Maybe OP can find out, or maybe some others know, and can tell OP not to go down there :hai:
OH FUCK NO. That's disgusting. No one wants to read about that shit.
Go back to cocklet, fag.
WTF peanut butter? I get the stupid joke but I hope your dick is not brown cause that ain't normal, son.
Yeah :cool:
True story.
Fucking race traitor, you're disgusting. :thumbsdown:
Let's hope OP gets some common sense to not go through with it & risk getting GRID.
I call bullshit. No one could piss out a bonfire. A campfire maybe, but not a bonfire.
That is what I warned him about. Hopefully, he will listen. Props to you for providing statistics.
< Condom.
I had a black chick try it on with me last night. Well, 75% Brazillian and 25% Kenyan *shudders*
Lol I ripped mine while copping a head Job ... Lol we didn't notice until I had cum (the room was dark) and I just watched with mild amusement as she freaked out and washed her mouth ... I surmise she must of swallowed a lot of my dick blood .. Then looked down at my dick and freaked out at her ...
:facepalm: It is not guaranteed to protect you. Even if you wear a condom during intercourse, you can get STDs from skin to skin contact so if you fooled around for a while before putting a condom on you could have already contracted an STD. If you nicked yourself while shaving down there, any open cuts/wounds make it easier for you to contract an STD.
AIDS is now the politically correct term for GRIDS.
its sex and affection homes
this made my day
Gay Related Immune Disease
Out of the three of you she got it right.
I believe I would have enjoyed intercourse with her, but I had overheard her talking to her friends about possessive ex-boyfriends, and I didn't want to get shanked in the dark by a thug, so I did not pursue that. For other reasons too.