Increasing testosterone

blamehoffmanblamehoffman Regular
edited October 2011 in Life
Does anyone know of any ways one can naturally increase their testosterone levels? I have no interest in injecting steroids/HGH/bull semen or whatever, I just want some more drive/aggression.



  • juggjugg Regular
    edited October 2011
    The way things are going now you can go to a doctor, and get your levels checked. They draw blood and they can check your psa levels which is a precursor for prostate cancer, estrogen, testosterone levels etc.... These doctors are popping up all over the place. Basically they will test your blood and see what your testosterone/estrogen levels are. If you are low they will prescribe you a testosterone supplement. If you have medical insurance you have a pretty good chance of your insurance covering this. I'm not a doctor but I believe that the normal level is around 300. Some doctors say you should be at 600-700, and I'm sure if you go to one of these clinics they will give you something no matter what your levels are. Check your area for "anti-aging' clinics these are the type of places you can look, and you can even get HGH there if you need it.

    As far as not going to a doctor , and getting the stuff off the street. I wouldn't try it, but I'm sure someone on can tell you how to get it different ways. I just think that if you can get it legally, and if you have insurance probably for a co-pay why risk the trouble.
  • MeloncholyMeloncholy Regular
    edited October 2011
    I've never seen anything concrete in the way of a medical paper, but the internet is awash with anecdotal evidence that stopping masturbating will increase testosterone.

    Whether this is genuinely the case or not, if you "just want some more drive/aggression" it might be worth trying.
  • OsirisOsiris Acolyte
    edited October 2011
    Beat up a woman.

    Or exercise, eat healthy, and stop smoking if you smoke.
  • Darth BeaverDarth Beaver Meine Ehre heißt Treue
    edited October 2011
    From WebMD
    Testosterone is a hormone produced by the testicles and is responsible for the proper development of male sexual characteristics. Testosterone is also important for maintaining muscle bulk, adequate levels of red blood cells, bone growth, a sense of well-being, and sexual function.
    Inadequate production of testosterone is not a common cause of erectile dysfunction; however, when ED does occur due to decreased testosterone production, testosterone replacement therapy may improve the problem.
    Health Check: How Much Do You Know About Testosterone Therapy?

    [h=3]What Causes Low Testosterone?[/h] As a man ages, the amount of testosterone in his body gradually declines. This natural decline starts after age 30 and continues throughout life. Other causes of low testosterone levels include:
    • Injury, infection, or loss of the testicles.
    • Chemotherapy or radiation treatment for cancer.
    • Genetic abnormalities such as Klinefelter's Syndrome (extra X chromosome).
    • Hemochromatosis (too much iron in the body).
    • Dysfunction of the pituitary gland (a gland in the brain that produces many important hormones).
    • Inflammatory diseases such as sarcoidosis (a condition that causes inflammation of the lungs).
    • Medications, especially hormones used to treat prostate cancer and corticosteroid drugs.
    • Chronic illness.
    • Chronic kidney failure.
    • Liver cirrhosis.
    • Stress.
    • Alcoholism.
    • Obesity (especially abdominal).
    The significance of testosterone decline is controversial and poorly understood.
    [h=3]What Are the Symptoms of Low Testosterone?[/h] Without adequate testosterone, a man may lose his sex drive, experience erectile dysfunction, feel depressed, have a decreased sense of well-being, and have difficulty concentrating.
    [h=3]What Changes Occur in the Body Due to Low Testosterone?[/h] Low testosterone can cause the following physical changes:
    • Decrease in muscle mass, with an increase in body fat.
    • Changes in cholesterol levels.
    • Decrease in hemoglobin and possibly mild anemia.
    • Fragile bones (osteoporosis).
    • Decrease in body hair.
    • Changes in cholesterol and lipid levels.

    [h=3]How Do I Find Out If I Have Low Testosterone?[/h] The only accurate way to detect the condition is to have your doctor measure the amount of testosterone in your blood. Because testosterone levels fluctuate throughout the day, several measurements will need to be taken to detect a deficiency. Doctors prefer, if possible, to test levels early in the morning since this is when testosterone levels are at their highest.
    [h=3]How Is Low Testosterone Treated?[/h] Testosterone deficiency can be treated by:
    • Intramuscular injections, generally every two or three weeks
    • Testosterone patch worn either on the body or on the scrotum (the sac that contains the testicles)
    • Testosterone gel
    • Mucoadhesive material applied above the teeth twice a day
    • Oral tablets
    • Long-acting subcutaneous implant
    • Testosterone stick (apply like underarm deodorant)
    Each of these options provides adequate levels of hormone replacement; however, they all have different advantages and disadvantages. Talk to your doctor to see which approach may be right for you.
    [h=3]Who Shouldn't Take Testosterone Replacement Therapy?[/h] Men who have prostate cancer or breast cancer should not take testosterone replacement therapy. All men considering testosterone replacement therapy should undergo a thorough prostate cancer screening prior to starting this therapy with a rectal exam and PSA test.

    [h=3]What Are the Side Effects of Testosterone Replacement Therapy?[/h] In general, testosterone replacement therapy is safe. It is associated with some side effects, including:
    • Acne or oily skin.
    • Mild fluid retention.
    • Stimulation of prostate tissue, with perhaps some increased urination symptoms such as a decreased stream or frequency.
    • Breast enlargement.
    • Worsening of sleep apnea (a sleep disorder that results in frequent night time awakenings and daytime sleepiness).
    • Decreased testicular size.
    • Increased aggression and mood swings.
    Laboratory abnormalities that can occur with hormone replacement include:
    • Changes in cholesterol and lipid levels.
    • Increase in red blood cell count.
    • Decrease in sperm count, producing infertility (especially in younger men).
    • Increase in PSA
    If you are taking hormone replacement therapy, regular follow-up appointments with your doctor are important.
    Like any other medication, directions for administering testosterone should be followed exactly as your doctor orders. If you are unsure or have any questions about testosterone replacement therapy, ask your doctor.

  • juggjugg Regular
    edited October 2011
    Meloncholy wrote: »
    I've never seen anything concrete in the way of a medical paper, but the internet is awash with anecdotal evidence that stopping masturbating will increase testosterone.

    Whether this is genuinely the case or not, if you "just want some more drive/aggression" it might be worth trying.

    Its funny that you say this in some areas of the world fighters wont masturbate before a fight. I belie that Shaolin monks wouldn't either because it would deplete their chi. Maybe there was something to that after all.
  • RemadERemadE Global Moderator
    edited October 2011
    I'd say fuck a load, go for a good run once in a while and just do manly things.

    I'm no expert by the way.
  • dr rockerdr rocker Regular
    edited October 2011
    Hard work on the upper legs. Heavy squats and sprints / bench jumps. Dont mess around running, if you finish your leg exercises and you can walk properly, you need to do them harder and do more.
  • ReboundRebound Acolyte
    edited October 2011
    the brutal workouts, proper eating/sleeping and less smoking/drinking all make perfect sense.

    It's the sex and masturbation thing that I'm confused about. I definitely feel alot more aggressive after a few days of abstinence, but there's alot out there saying you should do it as much as possible... which one is it? Or is it just for sex and not masturbation?
  • blamehoffmanblamehoffman Regular
    edited October 2011
    I know there are benefits to masturbation in that it decreases the chances of getting prostate cancer, but I dont think theres evidence stating that one should do it every day. I do jerk it quite a bit so I'll cut that out for like two weeks and see the results. Also, apparently having a "scottish shower" (hot shower with a few minutes of cold at the end) helps too, I tried it this morning and I gotta say I feel great (placebo effect?)
  • Darth BeaverDarth Beaver Meine Ehre heißt Treue
    edited October 2011
    I have been doing the Hot shower with a cold rinse for decades. But that is because I sweat in February on Lake Erie.
  • edited October 2011
    Eat celery.
  • SpinsterSpinster Regular
    edited October 2011
    blamehoffman, tell us why you think your testosterone levels are low?
  • blamehoffmanblamehoffman Regular
    edited October 2011
    I dont feel that theyre low, I jsut want a little more drive is all. Thats why Im not seeing my doctor or an endocrinologist, I was just looking for a couple home remedies to give me a little boost
  • edited October 2011
    Drive isnt %100 triggered by testerostone - and agression is a state of mind.

    I'd focus on mental training if those are the things you want; like breeds like.

    To be placid and sitting on a computer will bring placidity to your ways; to be doing 50 push ups EVERY HOUR no matter what JUST BECAUSE YOU LOVE TO FEEL THE BURN will bring you aggression.

    I've said it before and I'll say it again - lifting weights will solve this problem. You lift heavy and eat right your body will start to kick in its own hormones to a higher level. You will have a better self awareness and control. You will have more confidence and drive.

    Go to the gym. Or if you suck at money GO TO ANYWHERE - FITTNESS IS FREE.
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