ITT we talk about games designed specifically for the Android OS. Here we can suggest games, bitch about them and review them. Yes the marketplace does all of this but a lot of the reviews are biased because the reviewer is just trying to get that extra item for doing the review.
There aren't many Android OS games I like at all. I consider most of them are a waste of time and more often than not delete in less than 30 min. after the download is complete. There are a few gems that I've come across however.
One of these is Inotia 3: Children of Carnia. It is an action rpg that has a similar playing style to diablo II. I was surprised to find that it actually has a decent storyline, something I am grieved to find lacking in almost all Android OS games. There are 6 different character classes to choose all with unique skill trees and several playable characters throughout the story. Best of all it is free and while there are items you can pay for with real money and gems to be collected for Facebook advertising and clicking links you really don't feel compelled to do so and it is in no way required to defeat any enemies or pass any areas.
Another decent game is Demon Hunter. Again this game is free and the gems or whatever they are you can collect but do not need to in order to enjoy playing and complete the game. It plays somewhat like a Castlevania game. Different characters give yours missions to complete. The translation is shit and there isn't much of a story to care about. But as far as game play goes it is an alright Android OS game.
The Android OS game Battle Fury is fun at first but then very repetative. This is one of those games where you practically have to actually buy gems and equipment unless you want to wait around for your character to cooldown so you can use it again in order to level them up. I don't suggest this game as you will find out if you play it you will have wasted you time.
Let's here some of your takes on Android OS games. I'm looking for good ones. I'll also write more about other games once I have been able to play and make a solid opinion.
I'll stick to playing The Sims on the PC, instead of playing it on a phone.
I've got all the Angry Birds games (original, seasons and Rio) as they're very addictive, time consuming and enjoyable to play. They also have a fuck load of levels in them, and I'm still trying to complete them all in order
Furdiburb is something my girlfriend likes playing - it's like a virtual pet alien which starts out as an egg, hatches and gradually grows up. You have to grow food for him and do a few puzzles, which is cool.
My favorites are Paper Toss and Wordfeud though. Wordfeud is fucking awesome It's scrabble on a phone, and you can play against other people with Android devices. Me and RemadE often have a game on the go
MM does not have the option of PC gaming with his job, hence the Android games thread.