Seeing as we have moved in a new direction that does not include trolling and flaming I am doubting the need for the HB forum. I mean why have a place that allows behavior that we have determined is undesirable? This poll is informal and not binding but I just wanted to get the thoughts of others on this matter for my own curiosity.
Delete that hole.
LOL, perfect Trailer Park Boys reference. :thumbsup:
HB = shitabbyss
Shits feeds flys and flys spread disease.
Like every city needs a trailerpark, I believe a forum needs a designated section to be less than serious. Somewhere to retreat to when reality becomes to unbearing or tiresome. Doesn't mean I condone shit threads. I think shit threads/posts should just be aborted in utero. HB threads can be innovative and ingenious in their own right, even though they aren't traditionally attempting to be.
Against HB, SG could cover the section. On the old Totse and &Z, SG and HB basically became one in the same, the only difference being userbase.
To summarize my sentiments, I'd say
SG = Random, worth content, but serious
HB = Random, worthy content, but not strictly speaking serious
Worthwhil shit - SG
Pointless shit - trashed in its own thread or linked group.
Would you invite a stranger into your home to take a shit on the carpet? Because that it what HB is. All it has ever been. A room to drop a shit on the carpet.
Absolutely not. However I might invite them to shit on the lawn if I thought it would help vegetation. Or I might invite them to shit in my basement, if videotaping it yielded marketable content.
I try my damnedest to contribute to threads I post to, and when I have an idea / thought that I want to post that isn't so well thought out, it goes in HB. I doubt anyone joins solely to shitpost in HB. Maybe I'm wrong. Think of what posters such as BHD would have done without HB. Probably would have disrupted even more conversation. Another reason to keep HB is it gives a place to vent. Besides B&M, I mean a place to vent when you're pissed and don't have shit for a good reason to be venting.
just my $2k
It's a good place to post bullshit, and I suppose every site needs a bit of a 'cool down' zone. I don't think anyone will be attracted here for HB, and if some users only post there, then who cares? I understand it doesn't completely fit in with the new direction, but I honestly only see it becoming a problem if HB-style 'content' (if it could be called that) leaks out into other forums.
That will never happen on my watch kiddo.
I bet if you asked if HB should be unmoderated we'd see at least a 60%+ figure on that as well.
Did you read the OP? This site is not community run. That is not to say that HB will be closed or that it will stay open. This poll was something from my information use and nothing more. It was not for my use as a staff member just for my own personal curiosity. The decision as to whether HB or any other forum for that matter will stay open or closed is not up to me or some silly poll. As to HB being moderated or not that will simply never happen period. I am a global mod and HB is on my globe.
This. This. There should be a place for everything here.
I think HB should remain, no matter what direction we go in. HB is a place where we can just have a joke and a fuck around. We are all mature adults and we know where a joke should stop.
But I do get where you're coming from, and I think that HB should not contribute towards your post count.
It should basically stay as it is, but with no flaming, and posts don't count into post count.
Im about to do that thing where I ask several rhetorical questions in a row:
Are you implying dfg and yourself are not in the community?
The site is not community run? What the hell kind of statement is that?
This site is not a whole lot of community generated content, shared amongst the same user base, comment on by the users - where the popular threads thrive and the lame ones get no response?