Myself and most of my friends/classmates grew up watching whatever we liked. I wouldn't study the TV guide to make sure I didn't miss an episode or sit there jacking off but I'd just check it out to see what it's all about. Back then most people didn't have internet at home but my dad did, and whenever I was over at his house and he was out I'd browse for that stuff a bit. During computer class at school or during break on the computers in the library we'd check out porn sites and try not to get caught. There was no tabbing in browsers back then so you had to be quite quick-fingered.
If a four year old accidently switches to a porn channel or website, that's different and I think there should be something to stop that happening. If they do want to, they should be allowed to without being thwarted by parental control features.
It's like parents who home-school their kids because they don't want them exposed to the corruption and evil of the big bad world. Bad theory. That works for Jedi only. Parents must stop thinking that their children are inherently pure and angelic and that sex is something evil. It didn't make us feel dirty or corrupt us and turn us into depraved, perverted sex criminals - it's just natural, healthy curiosity at that age. Not only that but I'd say it's actually an important part of growing up.
What do you guys think and what was it like for you?
I dunno about exposing my kids to porn and sex until they're a bit older though. Kids are meant to be innocent in that area, IMO. Plus, if they see it all instead of experiencing it in their own time then they'll ruin the fun in discovering it all! Plus it might fuck them up in the head or something, I dunno.
Serious question though - are there studies to show what effect swearing / sex has on kids as they're growing up?
When my Parents did put a block on the Internet, I just got round it. Glad I was able to play with shotguns, fireworks and porn at a young age. Sure, it may have fucked me up a bit, but for the most part, I'm more of a "normal" guy than those who have really overburdening Parents who lock their kids up.
I still wouldn't tell my parents about Totse, my online identity, etc. They don't ask either, and I like it that way.
You'd ACTUALLY go through your kid's internet history and read their TEXTS? Fuck that man, that's meant to be personal. I don't like people reading my text conversations in general, let alone my parents. Why should they know what I've been talking about to my friends? That's my own personal stuff, nothing for them to know about. I remember when I was younger and I had my first phone - they never once asked to see my messages. I had a lock on my phone anyway so they wouldn't have been able to read them if they wanted to, but that's beside the point.
Tell me, what's the need to read through your kid's messages or look through their internet history?
If you dont check your head is in the sand.
That's why I don't do emotional ties.
Then when I was 15 I got my own laptop this ancient dell that was awesome so that just went round the problem, nowadays ofcourse you can select to have porn blocked by your isp when you buy your broadband which I oppose just because I am an advocate of Open Internet. But if I had kids(god forbid) and they didn't get eaten by bears or wolves then I would probably filter it but in a way that is rather well hidden and unacessible without much effort.
I don't want to filter anyone from doing what they want but i don't want them accidentally accessing things they don't want to acess.
A lot of people say things like "What's wrong with boobs?", if the only adult content on the Internet was topless women then i would agree with them. We all know that's not the case, there is some vile, degrading, violent sites out there that a child simply won't be able to process.
There are a bunch of kids who access the Internet from my house, I've set up a computer for them with openDNS set to filter pornography and gore.
Little Kids often type in "poo" or "shit' or "fuck" into Google just for giggles, any one of those terms could lead to something unexpected...
I would even set he video to rewind the tape to the exact point it had been at. Access to pornographic magazines was common, they could be found many placesafter people had left them there or dumped them. Maybe some pervert who wanted to fuck a tree while looking at porn, or maybe some one that was feeling horny and wanted a wank in the woods. Its no joke you could find porn under bushes. We also quickly found and worked out the timings of the local printed media depot and when they would put stuff in the skip and how to open the skip. Everyone I knew had porn or access to porn from at the most 12 years of age.
However, the internet has come along and it just makes it easier. Easier to have some kind of disaterous accident also. Parents however, should not just see it as protecting their children, but also protecting themselves.
How long will it be before we see a man at trial for having what we would consider child porn on his computer, for it to be that his 11 year old son is knocking one off to pictures of girls older than him? How long before people who do not have addequate virus and such protection can be prosecuted for not taking precautions to prevent botnets and viruses?
Originally, the internet did not need the moral police. It was made up of accademics and military networks, as a medium to communicate at a very fast pace. Whilst it is a medium that can convey information very fast now, very fast indeed to at least 3 billion people on the planted, and increasing the speed the other 4 billion get it by a massive amount,it is no longer the exclusive territory of those seeking to share knowledge or send communication.
The question I asked myself when I first used the internet years ago on how I would moniter a child - well, I would check their history, yes. I would make sure they were clearing their history. I would make sure they were protecting themselves. If my child was using a computer, I would want them to know how it worked. When they are around 12, maybe younger depending on ability, I will get them some computer parts. They can them teach themselves from a book how to build a computer. For an OS I will give them them some command line Linux distro and the manual for that.
If they manage to build and use the command line to get on the net and d/l a better operating system, I would say they have enough nouse about them to be let alone on the internet. I would not let them have a PC in their room until they were at least 16, for fear the turn into some sun starved pimple covered social reject.
The thing is, it is not just the 'internet' aspect of parenting, it is parenting as a whole. Good parents get all the questions and if you can answer it truthfully and without judging a question, a line of thought a child may have got into danger with on the internet can be answered truthfully and within the safety of a parent and child relationship.
Kids will always have access to inapropriate material, the internet just makes it faster, easier and less safe, but I think if you provide good support to a kid, they will ask your advice. The relationship both my brother and I had and have with out parents it open to the point of we can talk about anything. The same with the rest of my family. If you have people you speak with regularly, you can remain fairly grounded and aware. A
I met Tordek Battlehammer from &T and he is now my best mate lol. That said, I was worried he might rape me when we first met. But then I realised he had more to worry about.
Seriously though, BFF for life.
And so and so forth.