Whats you ideal career? Are you pursuing it? Do you know where you want to live, or are you already where you want to be.
As for me, I'm not sure. I might be looking into a field in Computer Science or Cyber Forensics. Or possibly Astronomy.. I'd perfer to live by or own property by a large body of water.
I'd like to be a full-time graphic designer too. At the moment I'm doing freelance work, but working from home gets quite lonely
I'm not sure where I want to live. In the last week I've actually just moved to Wellington, NZ but hopefully in a year or two will go to Melbourne, AUS because of the awesome art scene over there.
I've always wanted to go to or live in NZ or AUS. But I don't like how strict AUS government is on censorship. NZ is amazing tho.
I lol'd.
GD is a job that everyone think there good at, so I imagine it would be hard do get? My friend was an aircraft mechanic, he worked in AZ for awhile for commercial jets. He was approached by government contractors and offered him a job. He as security clearance for all these bases, and hes flown to work everyday. And he cant even talk about where he works or what he does. Pretty awesome stuff. I'd aim for that!
Ideally I'd be a lawyer in 6-8 years but we'll see how that goes.
I've lived in NZ all my life and I'm actually quite bored of it. Sure its beautiful and stuff, but its more of a place I'd like to live when I'm older and settled down. Also our technology here is quite behind, but not too bad. The pricing is way over the top too.
I paid $600(NZ$) for my PS3 in NZ, and in the US its only $425(NZ$)!! :mad: I would've ordered it from there if it wasn't for it not being able to work with NZ bought games.
I guess we'll be Shrink Buddies if things work out :cool:
nz kid here, don't fuck around or you'll get a shit supermarket job
THIS!!! I'm debating between biochemistry, botany, and mycology and am already starting on my herbarium collection which I intend to pass to my progeny if I have any. If not, it will be donated to either a university or some other large herbarium or museum.
Median annual wages of biochemists and biophysicists were $82,840 in May 2008. The middle 50 percent earned between $59,260 and $108,950. The lowest 10 percent earned less than $44,320, and the highest 10 percent earned more than $139,440. Median annual wages of biochemists and biophysicists employed in scientific research and development services were $85,870 in May 2008.
Median annual wages of microbiologists were $64,350 in May 2008. The middle 50 percent earned between $48,330 and $87,040. The lowest 10 percent earned less than $38,240, and the highest 10 percent earned more than $111,300.
Median annual wages of zoologists and wildlife biologists were $55,290 in May 2008. The middle 50 percent earned between $43,060 and $70,500. The lowest 10 percent earned less than $33,550, and the highest 10 percent earned more than $90,850.
According to the National Association of Colleges and Employers, beginning salary offers in July 2009 averaged $33,254 a year for bachelor's degree recipients in biological and life sciences.
In the Federal Government in March 2009, microbiologists earned an average annual salary of $97,264; ecologists, $84,283; physiologists, $109,323; geneticists, $99,752; zoologists, $116,908; and botanists, $72,792."
Also, http://www.bls.gov/oes/current/oes191029.htm
yes, dumpster slut has a heart
I definitely want to kill someone in self defence. IMO make money, buy shit.
Good luck with that :facepalm:
First things first, Learn English you fucking retard.:D
Nah dude. Working on 747s for 5 hours a day being exposed to skydrol and other shit isn't worth the $27/hr. Plus, AA requires a certain amount of overtime hours a month and you'll be pissed when you figure it's usually your weekends. Nothing better than waking up on a Saturday at 2:30 am to go to JFK. :facepalm:
i have no idea how to get there, though
Or I could start taking classes (job pays for school) and actually do something with my life. I guess I'm really smart and just don't apply myself (or so I've been told). My high school GPA was 2.0 but I got a 33 on my ACT.
Theres a big free place you can go to do that. Its called prison
See so would I. But I don't have any experience. in that field and I'm already 17.
Can you say what field the your legal trade is? That reminds me of myself with the whole GPA and ACT comparison.
I want to get my doctorate in chemical/mechanical engineering (can't decide which :mad:) and consult/teach at college level for a few years. This'll allow good steady pay, research opportunities, and the ability to travel during the summers, seeing as travelling is probably one of my most important goals in life: it is the shit. I also enjoy teaching, so I'll enjoy giving lectures.
During this time I'll continue to expand my current portfolio and finally buy a car wash or two to enhance my passive income. I should be up into very nice six figures by now, which will mostly get invested since I don't mind being frugal until I'm wealthy enough for it to not matter.
During this time I'd also maintain my hobbies/interests: playing in a band with friends, chess, etc. I don't necessarily care to take those to a professional level or anything, but if it happens I'll certainly embrace it. I also want to get pilot's license for helicopters and planes both. Just because it would be kickass.
After a few years, I want to look at opening my open engineering/technology company where I will have the freedom to invent and research things that matter to me (primarily green energy sources, particularly solar cell technology and efficient engines). Of course the company will also manufacture and produce products to keep a steady stream of income for the R&D department to have fun with
At this point, I should be financially well-off, between the investments and the company, and should have the freedom to be travelling, hiking, marathons, triathlons, rock climbing, sailing, skydiving, and all of the other crazy shit I like to do, whenever I want to do it.
Basically, I want to live a life that would be interesting to read about.