... and I haven't had anything with caffiene in for a long while. Feels weird to get such a buzz from a single drink! Basically I cut down on caffiene quite a lot, I haven't had a cup of coffee for as long as I remember. This small bottle (500ml) of Mountain Dew has got me buzzed :thumbsup:
So, just for discussion purposes - what's the most amount of caffiene you've consumed in one sitting, and what was it like? What was the COMEDOWN like? Ouch...
This is Karma kicking in for selling caffeine tabs to high school kids and telling them it was speed.
it's been four months since the last time i drank any.
I had no doz I said fuck it and took all of them . My stomach hurt like a bitch, and I set a world record time in cleaning a movie theater. About an hour later I hid in the bathroom and slept for about three hours. Woke up and went back to work.
I used to take mini-thins by the hand fulls when they had ephedrine in them. That was fun too. Your nose would start running and you were going a hundred miles an hour. The fucking gas stations used to sell them untill some college kids fucked that up and o.d. on them
I might try this starting on Monday.
the relentless energy drink makes me wired and hurts my chest
coffe makes me want to shit
i get headachs when i dont have pop for awile
my friend drink 20 monsters ( couple of the big ones as well) on a long drive when we got back he tryied drinking a small amount of vodka and instatly puked
Honestly, I feel like having done amps makes me more susceptible to the effects.
Not only that, but my movements--while few-- will be really jerky; and it'll always seem like I'm glaring.
Probably cause they give you bad posture...feels like it anyway...
Ever since then, I've cut back on caffeine / fizzy drinks, and I've been Relentless free for a good few months!
"Hi, I'm Trx100, I'm a recovering caffeine addict..."
orange monster is my fav morning drink
I tried Mountain Dew for the first time today actually, was really awesome!!
One time I made the mistake of drinking a bottle of Redline from GNC - the pre-mixed stuff ready to go as-is. It's nothing like "energy drinks" you get from the grocery store, this shit gives you the jitters and quite frankly half makes you wonder when your heart is going to explode.
because a couple days with out it and my head kills me but i can drink caffien free pop like faygo or normal cafien pop an d the headach goes away