Ah forsooth, twas with lackaday I missed thy calling. Verily tis rare iwis to see a person of your ilk methinks. Alack tis mayhap the association with the fool , aye belike. twould be meet to lief thole thy tomfoolery prithee swith.
Ah forsooth, twas with lackaday I missed thy calling. Verily tis rare iwis to see a person of your ilk methinks. Alack tis mayhap the association with the fool , aye belike. twould be meet to lief thole thy tomfoolery prithee swith.
Should I be worried if I read what you just typed without any problems, My Lord.
thought id see if this place has changed much.
From my recollection you are nothing more than the forgotten refuse hat was missed with the last load of outbound.
Times ain't changed.
It always sounds so much better when you british tell people to fuck themselves than when we yanks do the same.
Should I be worried if I read what you just typed without any problems, My Lord.