LOL So I got a bottle of Amps How much is enough? or how much is to much.
Should I just crush this shit and do some lines?
I have 43 5MG tabs lets have some fun.
Don't go over 4 for your first time. 20-30mg is a good cut-off dose for your first few experiences. also, try not to smoke pot, because I GUARANTEE you, it will take most, if not all, of your stash to even begin to get high. When you start coming down, have a couple blunts or a couple beers. Maybe a bar or two. Whichever your preference. But have SOMETHING handy, otherwise you may not get to sleep that night.
I agree.
Just take like 20-25mgs to try it out. Even 15mg will most likely get you high.
EDIT: You can snort it if you want, but it's going to be a lot of powder considering all the binders.
for real. I like to sniff when I drink. But I accumulated a few rocks this time. maybe I shoudl do this.