Heroic MDMA Dosages

etnica0etnica0 Semo-Regulars
edited November 2011 in Man Cave
What's the most MDMA you've taken at one time? Or meth.
This is a question strongley directed out of curiousity.
I have taken 4 whole pills plus one parachuted at once before, and had a lot of fun - no neurotoxic effects that have lasted over a year to speak of.
Looking forward to my next roll, also include candy flip stories and the like.


  • RemadERemadE Global Moderator
    edited November 2011
    At Westfest earlier this year, my mate took 500mg of MDMA in the space of 10 hours. Didn't realise but we looked at how many parachutes he had left at the end of the night and there were none left. Was proper MDMA crystal, too.
  • ThatfriedKidThatfriedKid Acolyte
    edited November 2011
    A friend of mine has taken 10 tabs in the course of a night. They were good pills (that's to say clean, I saw the reagant test) and had a good dose of mdma compared to a lot of pills around my area (people would probably pay up the ass to get them again, there are no tabs with mdma in my area at the moment). I wasn't there but he said he had a good time, he was also on a few hits of acid. His night got killed though because he lost like 30 pills he was supposed to sell, and they weren't really his. He said he regretted taking so many in hindsight since it led to him be really careless.

    I've taken a little less than a gram of molly in a night. One of my best times rolling, was some fire molly compared to most of the shit around here, but I don't know how it would compare to molly in other regions. All the molly is bunk now, everyones been cutting the shit out of their product and I'm pretty sure there is a big MDMA shortage around here.
  • fagfag Regular
    edited November 2011
    Phens are a very dangerous thing to try your luck with.
  • 0000000000 Regular
    edited November 2011
    I've taken a little less than a gram of molly in a night. One of my best times rolling, was some fire molly compared to most of the shit around here, but I don't know how it would compare to molly in other regions. All the molly is bunk now, everyones been cutting the shit out of their product and I'm pretty sure there is a big MDMA shortage around here.
    MDMA can be such a subtle drug until the overwhelming effects occur.
    And even "crystal" seems less pure than a couple of years ago. Can anyone explain this?
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