The Help [2011]

DfgDfg Admin
edited March 2012 in Spurious Generalities
Based on a book by Kathryn Stockett, The Help focuses on the Maids working in different homes back in 1960s, it's a story about racial discrimination, it's a story about taking a bold step and hoping a change will come. I was highly inspired by this movie and thanks to this, I have more respect for the woman of that era. I suggest you watch this movie, it will show you how much has changed and how much needs to be changed, I do hope I might be able to take a bold step IRL as some of these women did in the movie and in the book.

What makes the movie appealing is the truth behind everything, it's not some fictional movie, it's more like a window in the old America where blacks where called Niggers and they were considered and treated like slaves. I do pride myself on being a part of a community where race, color and dick size doesn't matter. Considering how racist most people are, it's actually a miracle that we sort of stick together and act like a family. Thanks to this movie, I honestly enjoy being here more and I feel glad that even though are colors are different we still act as a family that actually cares for each other.


  • chippychippy <b style="color:pink;">Global Moderator</b>
    edited March 2012
    Good story, and it received quite a good review and some awards. But I found it a bit slow and dull to watch.
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