Obama is concentrating black army soldiers in the US and sending whites out of the country. It looks like he's preparing for a take over by getting rid of white soldiers!
I found that Obama is sending far more whites to Iraq and Afghanistan than blacks. Not in just numbers, but very many more as a percent of total army. Unfortunately I don't have race distribution numbers for overseas outside of Iraq and Afghanistan. But I'd bet the farm that a much larger percentage of whites are in S. Korea, Germany, etc than blacks. That would probably show that whites are outnumbered. I can provide a spreadsheet with data sources to anyone who wants a copy. I will tidy it up and try saving it as a file where all can get to it.
Iraq+Afghanistan deaths % of total
Black 9%
White 75%
Soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan as percentage of race
Black 12%
White 28%
Maximum possible number soldiers stateside (whites certainly much fewer)
Black 106,228
White 290,270
Maximum percentage of race stateside (whites certainly much lower)
Black 88%
White 72%
The fact that you are 8 times more likely to go to jail for killing a white person if you are black, than if you are a white killing a black?
Want them to fight equally, maybe fix the inequalities first.
You and the topic starter should start a club for retards that like to pull statistics out of their asses. You can be the leader and he can be your student/vice president.
Most people that join the military are either white trash or brown trash. They're killing people overseas for the profit of themselves and the profit of corporations. So it doesn't matter if more white soldiers die, they're all trash.
Even if his statistics aren't bang on, blacks get fucked over in our legal system. They get harsher penalties, fewer warnings (If any. I only say this because I remember reading that white kids have a good shot at getting a warning, while black kids almost always get the book thrown at them for the same shit.), higher chances of conviction, etc.
What about the hate crime laws that do nothing but fuck over white people based on race? What about how blacks are 13% of the population but commit 51.2% of the murders? Also look at there STD rates and the amount who father kids out of wedlock. There a more criminally oriented breed than the white man that's why there more likely to be arrested.
What about knowing your opinion on everything before you even type it just because of your avatar?:rolleyes:
Seriously I do not think Obama would wanna do that though. If he did it would be really easy for him to accomplish and you'd know about it right away.
So because I support what the confederacy was about you claim to know all I stand for? lol
Well lets just say after seeing your avatar, none of your posts has been suprising. Not to mention you sound pretty comfortable generalizing blacks. But whatever you say.