Please. You made fucking bunghole a moderator? :facepalm: This place is worse than zoklet. I don't know wtf the admin is thinking here. People bitch and moan and complain that the zoklet admin was incompetent. Are we really any better off?
Some of the forums are getting enough traffic that they need a mod. If people signed up and posted CP right now we'd have no way to delete it. That being said, I think every forum should have 1-2 moderators. Even if it's not necessary at the moment, it will be in the future. We look more legit having moderators rather than seeing blank spots where their name should be.
some of the forums are getting enough traffic that they need a mod. If people signed up and posted cp right now we'd have no way to delete it. That being said, i think every forum should have 1-2 moderators. Even if it's not necessary at the moment, it will be in the future. We look more legit having moderators rather than seeing blank spots where their name should be.
This is what I was trying to tell people too. Totse obviously will need mods, so its ridiculous imo to say that none are needed right now. I think theyre needed now as much as any other time because obviously theyll need to settle into their post. Wouldnt it be better to have em accustomed to the job before shit starts getting crazy
This is what I was trying to tell people too. Totse obviously will need mods, so its ridiculous imo to say that none are needed right now. I think theyre needed now as much as any other time because obviously theyll need to settle into their post. Wouldnt it be better to have em accustomed to the job before shit starts getting crazy
Exactly. Allowing people to get experience being a mod before the forum has tons of traffic is exceedingly important. We need members who will know how to do their job so when there are problems cropping up, they can take care of them in the proper fashion. Waiting until there are problems to mod people is not a good idea. If Operation FYW does well and we get a lot more traffic, we will need mods. We're going to need them at some point, so we might as well get them now.
I'm not so quick to jump onto the moderator bandwagon. The forum/site is still generally young and only gain noteriety around the first of the month. So far everything is running fine, no need to ask to have yourself moderated when there isn't the need unless you feel you're an ass clown that needs moderation daily.
I am against any sort of "Moderation Consideration" threads like the one posted, many places outright guarantee you no spot if you ask, it's not your call to make and most people have an underlying agenda. You start off at the top and work your way down. Hellish is the admin and should be the only admin which I think he plans to do for the time being. Until further growth happens there isn't much need to over do it with a staff like that of &Z which is just ridiculous if you look at it.
Next should be the Super Moderators that can patrol the content of all boards. There should be 2-3 just how Totse had it, and it ran fine as long as those chosen are your most active, responsible, and highly contributive hand picked individuals.
Once your selection proves itself worthy of the task and job at hand you focus on the minor moderator class such as the forum. Hopefully, by then people are obviously standing out and should only be contacted via PM/E-Mail letting them know they are in consideration. I encourage the thread about "Moderator Considerations" not be ignored completely, but stripped of importance in choosing canidates. As Hellish and 4J have already said, your chances are greater if you are actually contributing to the area you feel you can handle. If you are interested in Art but contribute nothing to it then why is it relevant for you to moderate it?
No targeting towards anyone, just voicing and open and honest observation I think people should consider. A lot of hostility in the Help/Suggestions recently with the "HTTPS" thread and some others that are unneeded. This forum should be a place for encouragement and self-development, not for flaming Staff who are limited as of now and working extremely hard toward upgrading Totses old design into a modern platform so it wont be a pain in the ass to back up and restore if ever shit happens. It's a lot of work and Hellish has gone out of his way to try and resolve things quickly being a one-man army. Being forceful and deragatory is what will make this place turn into &Z, not whether the mods chosen are to your liking or not as long as they were chosen with heavy criticism from those who made it happen.
I'm not so quick to jump onto the moderator bandwagon. The forum/site is still generally young and only gain noteriety around the first of the month. So far everything is running fine, no need to ask to have yourself moderated when there isn't the need unless you feel you're an ass clown that needs moderation daily.
I am against any sort of "Moderation Consideration" threads like the one posted, many places outright guarantee you no spot if you ask, it's not your call to make and most people have an underlying agenda. You start off at the top and work your way down. Hellish is the admin and should be the only admin which I think he plans to do for the time being. Until further growth happens there isn't much need to over do it with a staff like that of &Z which is just ridiculous if you look at it.
Next should be the Super Moderators that can patrol the content of all boards. There should be 2-3 just how Totse had it, and it ran fine as long as those chosen are your most active, responsible, and highly contributive hand picked individuals.
Once your selection proves itself worthy of the task and job at hand you focus on the minor moderator class such as the forum. Hopefully, by then people are obviously standing out and should only be contacted via PM/E-Mail letting them know they are in consideration. I encourage the thread about "Moderator Considerations" not be ignored completely, but stripped of importance in choosing canidates. As Hellish and 4J have already said, your chances are greater if you are actually contributing to the area you feel you can handle. If you are interested in Art but contribute nothing to it then why is it relevant for you to moderate it?
No targeting towards anyone, just voicing and open and honest observation I think people should consider. A lot of hostility in the Help/Suggestions recently with the "HTTPS" thread and some others that are unneeded. This forum should be a place for encouragement and self-development, not for flaming Staff who are limited as of now and working extremely hard toward upgrading Totses old design into a modern platform so it wont be a pain in the ass to back up and restore if ever shit happens. It's a lot of work and Hellish has gone out of his way to try and resolve things quickly being a one-man army. Being forceful and deragatory is what will make this place turn into &Z, not whether the mods chosen are to your liking or not as long as they were chosen with heavy criticism from those who made it happen.
Fair enough. LSA King is right, 2 more super mods will probably be enough for the next few months. Case closed as far as I'm concerned.
The only problem I see is that half the forums are not moderated at all. They aren't getting much traffic, but there aren't any super moderators' names listed either. I'm afraid it's an invitation for spam as soon as we get more traffic.
The only problem I see is that half the forums are not moderated at all. They aren't getting much traffic, but there aren't any super moderators' names listed either. I'm afraid it's an invitation for spam as soon as we get more traffic.
It's a slippery slope that's forsure. At the same time it can be a welcoming sign for trolls and spamming a like. At the same time it invites creation and originality in content without limitations set forth by a leaders presense. To my knowledge the goal of Totse v.2 is the same as Totse v.1, freedom of information and this can be a good thing, but also a bad. Depends on what the regulars make of it to be honest. Outside presense is always limited and a simple click of 4J's hand can erase any spam or any user at will. The old days of spam attacks being useful in corruption are over, now it takes a concentrated, collaborative effort of not getting banned to troll/spam and be long lasting.
I can name about about a few dozen on &Z that ride that fine line and are much harder to deal with. I was one for a long time.
Guys, I am having some system problems. I am kinda of busy fixing it, I will back in full force in 12 hours or more. In the mean time PM me if you see CP etc.
The only problem I see is that half the forums are not moderated at all. They aren't getting much traffic, but there aren't any super moderators' names listed either. I'm afraid it's an invitation for spam as soon as we get more traffic.
Guys, I am having some system problems. I am kinda of busy fixing it, I will back in full force in 12 hours or more. In the mean time PM me if you see CP etc.
What's the point man, I can just save it and send it to you at a later date!
If we're gonna start advertising the site, having a mod here and there wouldn't hurt. We will get some faggots here and we will need to get rid of them.
I watch the forum as much as I possibly can and sometimes you might not even know I'm here, I do work 8 hours a day and sleep too so we do need moderators in many of the sections since traffic has definitely picked up alot.
I watch the forum as much as I possibly can and sometimes you might not even know I'm here, I do work 8 hours a day and sleep too so we do need moderators in many of the sections since traffic has definitely picked up alot.
Alright, alright, alright. I've already got my forum of choice, but if this site is gonna be here claiming to be another ToTSE legacy, it is going to have an active chemistry forum.:mad:
So yeah, since LT on ToTSE, there has been a BS thread for fellow chemists to shoot the shit. I will give this forum the breath of life by starting this thread, for the people that call this forum home....
So, uh, yeah.
You know, just leaving my own mark on this forum, hoping it actually turns into something useful....
I don't know. Honestly, here and on zoklet, I have publicly displayed disloyalty to this site and disinterest in being a mod. I mean, shit, look at my first post, the one that got me modded! It's the OP in the LT BS thread.
But you know my story, 1337, and so do many others.
I was a kewl looking for bomb recipes when my friend showed me totse back around 2004. I started posting in Backyard Ballistics, and was converted from a kidiot to someone who lived life in search of knowledge. Then I went to F&B, and I was a chem noob. Nshanin told me to stop being a noob and research, so I did. Now even the vets in F&B respect me. And they are the real Lab Tips gang. Hydro, Nshanin, SoH, even FordPerfect and JP, they seem to respect me, despite still being a self proclaimed noob.
Sites like totse and their technical sections had a huge impact on my life. They directly affected so much of the knowledge I have today. Go look at F&B on zoklet. It creeped me out the other day, cause someone specifically asked for my help in the title of their thread. I admit, I liked the attention, and I tried to help, but it still felt weird. People act like I'm some Chem God now, when I'm not. But so much of my chemistry knowledge was taught to me by the prominent posters of F&B and the original LT. Sure, I did my homework, but you wouldn't believe the progress I made just by listening to Nshanin and researching formylations. I even publicly told him that on zoklet.
If anyone has gained a severe positive impact in their actual life and learned something from sites like totse, it's me. I'm like a poster child of what a noob can turn into just by talking to the people on sites like these.
That's why these little forums mean something to me. They mean a lot to me, actually. I don't even have a social life. Talking to you,1337, and some other online people is the most social interaction I've had in years. Not to mention the profound intellectual impact these people have on me.
Go look in the BS thread on zoklet. I'm begging the regulars there to tell me what it takes to make something great. I see how great totse was, then how great zoklet was. Then I look at sites like totse2. Have you seen their chem forum? They don't even have a mod. They have one thread about glassware with some good posts, the rest are me trolling and people asking how to make meth. I'm given this opportunity to turn the chemistry forum here into something, and I just can't resist. I just want to see it become a place of learning and active discussion, not a wasteland of tweaked out meth cooks. I want kids like the one I used to be to come to our forum and be converted and make the transition I made. The thought of a kid trying to make bombs with gasoline and pool tablets, just to hurt himself or give up because he thinks there's nothing more to it and he gets bored, That saddens me. I just want to give someone guidance, so they can be safe and enjoy learning.
You and I both know, that despite my prolific trolling, when someone presents to me a problem, whether technical or personal, I go out of my way to help. Sure, I don't have anything better to do anyway. But I do like to help.
I come here for two reasons, and two reasons only:
1. So many of the people I have become attached to at zoklet, like you 1337, left and came here.
2. I just want to try my best to help the chem forum turn into a place worth posting in.
If they don't want me in Lab Tips, that's fine. I have accounts at sciencemadness, wetdreams, blacklight, plenty of places. But I don't like the atmosphere there, so I don't post, just lurk.
But that doesn't matter, cause I still have F&B. Sure, I like being the big, bad moderator here, Mr. Tough Guy Chem Genius. But when it comes down to it, the people I look up to are back at F&B. Hydro, Nshanin, SoH, JP, they aren't here. I'd invite them into the chem forum here with open arms, the way they did to me, but I don't think they want to leave there.
Were not like the rest of totse, or zoklet, or .info. We don't need to listen to the drama and site politics. We have other interests. Sure, it's like a soap opera to me, it entertains me. But all I really care about is a place where I can go, and I can be with other people who just want to have some nerd talk. For now, that place isn't here, it's F&B. I'd like for it to be both, but it isn't, at least yet, and I want to try my hardest to change that.
But if you can't see I really do have a personal interest in making this site better, making it a place were people can feel comfortable and free, then do something about it. Demod me, ban me, I don't care. Sure, I love and care about so many of these people. Sure, maybe it sounds weird, but do you know how often I'm in my lab and ask "what would JP do?" or "I wonder how Tylers doing?" I'm just too sensitive. Even the veil of the internet can't cripple the uncontrollable empathy I have for people. It's not even a virtue, it's a weakness. I'm naive and gullible, and willing to trust anyone. I'm just such an unhappy person usually, who feels so desperate for help, I don't know how I could deny someone in need. But if you think I just want to be able to infract people and shit, you're wrong. I post on these sites because I like so many of the people here, and I just want to feel like I have someone to talk to, and give someone else a person to talk to.
And if you don't believe me, take away my modship. Test me. I'll still be here, in the .info TRT, sooting the shit with people like you 1337, Erorr, and Mr. Blunt. We've all been posting together for more than half a year. And if you think I like my infraction button more than my e-buddies, prove it.
Besides, you got my e-mail 1337. You know where to find me if I don't return.
I guess I got butthurt though, cause that's quite a wall of text. But I'll be honest, I haven't liked ilovechronic for quite some time. Just the way he speaks adamantly against trolls, but if you look at his posts, he's really not much better than they are at all.
In LT, it says I'm a moderator. Can you change this please?
^And if Hellish actually reads his PMs, he'll find this.
Until then, I'm still competent in the subject of the forum I moderate, and don't seem to be wreaking havoc there. Actually, it's starting to look kind of nice.
But like I've said, I'm just trying my hardest. So what if I bring more lulz than you, ILC? Does a sense of humor contradict dedication and intelligence?
Have you forgotten the numerous occasions where I corrected your factual errors at zoklet?
Or are you afraid a troll, someone who can post humorous things nonchalantly, might still be more intelligent than you?
If you have any problems with my moderation, please, stop by my office, and we can discuss things civilly.
EDIT: Not to mention, demodding me is a perfectly reasonable option, in my opinion;
^Modded just for trolling.
^My deep, personal feelings.
^And if Hellish actually reads his PMs, he'll find this.
Until then, I'm still competent in the subject of the forum I moderate, and don't seem to be wreaking havoc there. Actually, it's starting to look kind of nice.
But like I've said, I'm just trying my hardest. So what if I bring more lulz than you, ILC? Does a sense of humor contradict dedication and intelligence?
Your an admitted troll. Someone who is a troll has no business moderating a website.
This is a place where trolls can troll all they want I guess. this just isn't the place for me, simple as that, peace.
He doesn't troll in the section he moderates. Why are you so butthurt?
Also, don't let the door hit you on the way out.
I never said i was butt hurt. Trolls have no business running a forum espeacially when the ADMIT IT THEMSELVES. I was simply lured over here on the promise that this site would be BETTER. and its not, its even shittier.
You give a troll power and expect them to stay in line for long you are fucking greatly mistaken. the problem is not that "but but,he doesn't troll his own forum" is the most rediculous defence i have ever heard.
what happens when he changes his mind and abuses his power? Well i say avoid it in the first place and ELECT GOOD NEW MODS. Not a bored troll from zoklet.
I never said i was butt hurt. Trolls have no business running a forum espeacially when the ADMIT IT THEMSELVES. I was simply lured over here on the promise that this site would be BETTER. and its not, its even shittier.
You give a troll power and expect them to stay in line for long you are fucking greatly mistaken.
Dude, take a chill pill. If anyone fucks up the community can take them out in a second. The community decides things here. You can be a troll or anything but you can't abuse your powers here. Simple.
Everyone trolls on the Internet, it's the LAW. If you can't troll you're not creative enought to run a section or keep it entertaining.
Dude, take a chill pill. If anyone fucks up the community can take them out in a second. The community decides things here. You can be a troll or anything but you can't abuse your powers here. Simple.
Everyone trolls on the Internet, it's the LAW. If you can't troll you're not creative enought to run a section or keep it entertaining.
:facepalm: Dfg admitting he doesn't even know what a mod does.
I never said i was butt hurt. Trolls have no business running a forum espeacially when the ADMIT IT THEMSELVES. I was simply lured over here on the promise that this site would be BETTER. and its not, its even shittier.
You give a troll power and expect them to stay in line for long you are fucking greatly mistaken. the problem is not that "but but,he doesn't troll his own forum" is the most rediculous defence i have ever heard.
Everyone trolls every now and then, that's what makes up the majority of the Internet. IRL we call it "joking" and there are a tons of "jokesters" and I guess they do get under my skin when they can't take some things serious that you want, but that doesn't make them unworthy of carrying on a complete conversation. Same goes on the Internet. I see where you're coming from, but I think you're judging things way too quickly and started off wrong. You stated the obvious fact in the subject of the thread in which there is already a thread made and stickied here regarding positions.
The worst thing this or any new place can do is start off with an old staff they moved from, or jump to raise an army of leaders without taking serious consideration towards each person they form in the team. The only place that seemed to run so dysfunctional was the way &Z did where it was just some complete random douchebag got selected (usually some ass kissing) and then all other users just melted before that person and or flamed. There was no respect for Staff there and you shouldn't judge someone based off their performance from somewhere else unless it carries over elsewhere.
Last but not least, the "Help or Suggestions" forum isn't a place to expect results from. It's meant to offer creative, open, and honest ideas or objections for those behind the scenes. It isn't a place to debate, nor is it a place for angry rants. Just this threads subject automatically steers me into a negative mood. If you want to be taken seriously consider the following:
Voice what you feel is missing, and or needs to be changed and reasons why.
Be polite and considerate and stick with your logic.
Listen to other peoples objections and formulate your original ideas to correct, and address what they are saying.
Take it or leave it, but it's unprofessional anywhere you go. You don't call a Help Desk and tell them they are fucking retarded for something you feel they should have done before they sold it and expect them to treat you with first class service, do you?
Fuck around on any other forum in good fun, but the Help section should be for serious ideas only and not just a place where you can say what you want when you're not the one trying to run, or fix the entire damn site and keep it functional, and while the user base is growing, and while your trying to revamp the entire website to a new platform.
I agree with the long post from Dfg. If we get a bunch of random people to be mods, it'll ruin the place. We need people who are going to be solid posters.
Your an admitted troll. Someone who is a troll has no business moderating a website.
This is a place where trolls can troll all they want I guess. this just isn't the place for me, simple as that, peace.
Seriously though, your thinking is fundamentally flawed. What was God doing, but trolling, when he created the Universe? What does every single organism on Earth do, but troll? Is the one who cries "troll!" any better than the troll himself? Are you not aggravating the problem?
You must seek the contents, not the vessel. Open your eyes, and you will see, there is meaning in everything.
Must one be a serious poster to be a serious mod? No, they do not.
Must one be a serious mod to be a serious poster? No, they do not.
Everyone trolls every now and then, that's what makes up the majority of the Internet. IRL we call it "joking" and there are a tons of "jokesters" and I guess they do get under my skin when they can't take some things serious that you want, but that doesn't make them unworthy of carrying on a complete conversation. Same goes on the Internet. I see where you're coming from, but I think you're judging things way too quickly and started off wrong. You stated the obvious fact in the subject of the thread in which there is already a thread made and stickied here regarding positions.
The worst thing this or any new place can do is start off with an old staff they moved from, or jump to raise an army of leaders without taking serious consideration towards each person they form in the team. The only place that seemed to run so dysfunctional was the way &Z did where it was just some complete random douchebag got selected (usually some ass kissing) and then all other users just melted before that person and or flamed. There was no respect for Staff there and you shouldn't judge someone based off their performance from somewhere else unless it carries over elsewhere.
Last but not least, the "Help or Suggestions" forum isn't a place to expect results from. It's meant to offer creative, open, and honest ideas or objections for those behind the scenes. It isn't a place to debate, nor is it a place for angry rants. Just this threads subject automatically steers me into a negative mood. If you want to be taken seriously consider the following:
Voice what you feel is missing, and or needs to be changed and reasons why.
Be polite and considerate and stick with your logic.
Listen to other peoples objections and formulate your original ideas to correct, and address what they are saying.
Take it or leave it, but it's unprofessional anywhere you go. You don't call a Help Desk and tell them they are fucking retarded for something you feel they should have done before they sold it and expect them to treat you with first class service, do you?
Fuck around on any other forum in good fun, but the Help section should be for serious ideas only and not just a place where you can say what you want when you're not the one trying to run, or fix the entire damn site and keep it functional, and while the user base is growing, and while your trying to revamp the entire website to a new platform.
My bad, move it to bitch and moan.
Thanks for pointing out another example of DFG not doing shit, didn't move this to the proper forum. This thread has been open atleast a week.
Its retarded to wait 3 weeks after a website opens to finally get moderators. Thats all I was asking so we didnt get threads like this:
where giomanach deliberately tries to derail the thread to turn it into a gun debate. It just gets old and annoying.
I would rather have meta as a mod than DFG. Meta actually got shit done. Totse was badass when meta was here,we actually had good disussions and we were not worried about syphoning off members from other forums like zoklet because the good discussions was all it took to attract new good posters/members. Not spamming a forum and hoping to up your userbase as much as possible to compete with zoklet. who the fuck cares if they have more members. Its about quality not quantity.
So we have the quantity lets see the QUALITY.
this thread was basically a "what is taking so long" thread. /thread
My bad, move it to bitch and moan.
Thanks for pointing out another example of DFG not doing shit, didn't move this to the proper forum. This thread has been open atleast a week.
Its retarded to wait 3 weeks after a website opens to finally get moderators. Thats all I was asking so we didnt get threads like this:
where giomanach deliberately tries to derail the thread to turn it into a gun debate. It just gets old and annoying.
I would rather have meta as a mod than DFG. Meta actually got shit done. Totse was badass when meta was here,we actually had good disussions and we were not worried about syphoning off members from other forums like zoklet because the good discussions was all it took to attract new good posters/members. Not spamming a forum and hoping to up your userbase as much as possible to compete with zoklet. who the fuck cares if they have more members. Its about quality not quantity.
So we have the quantity lets see the QUALITY.
this thread was basically a "what is taking so long" thread. /thread
I agree Metaphysicist did do well at keeping things in check, but I don't need to point out the negatives that came with that as a consequence. He started off human like all of us and was solid, but eventually that turned into erratic behavior and forums he moderated on suffered greatly. I remember his view of "drug knowledge" reigned supreme and calling him out usually resulted into negative reprecussions.
Should this thread be moved? Maybe. I mean you ask a very realistic question, however not in the way many would have liked. Also the moderator staff has already started to build, not in a mad stampede, but gradually if you now look at the forum leaders at the bottom of the page. It will get there, that's why the Moderator Thread was started in the first place. While I disagree with that thread in general, at least it's there for proof that it has been looked into since the beginning of the month.
I also remember Dfg on &Z. When I first ran into him I thought he was a complete dick. He cleaned up most of &Z's trash single handidly at the time, sometimes overboard. However, now he is one of the most respected moderators &Z produced. Should he revert back to his Meta state that I remember him as? If you want to go that route it can eventually happen, but the "clamping down" on the forums doesn't need to be brought on so soon from what I see, and many others. I know Dfg can be the dick I remember him as if the moment strikes him, just ask him how many times he warned and infracted me back in the early days. I blame that on miscommunication which led me to view him more highly, something I could never say about Meta who refused to admit his faults in all the times I had to deal with him.
I think you'll find the quality is equal, if not greater, than what you'd find on &Z. Of course you can't compare it to the Original Totse because the membership and contributions far exceed all Totse clones (&Z included) combined by 10 fold. I suggest giving this place more time, or maybe come back at a later date to reanalyze your position while the rest of us try to iron things out.
Food for thought:
Which comes first?
-A functioning website with an overhauled layout and upgraded new CMS platform?
-A fully fledged forum that will be perfect, so there would be no reason for this forum itself. (impossible)
-Or reviving the old Totse archives and eventually merging the forums together into a massive nostalgia database. (tedious)
These are just a few questions Hellish is dealing with and working on SOLO. Jeff Hunter didn't build Totse in a day, month, or even year and what i am saying is it's unwise asking what you are asking for just because "We should have moderators for every forum immediately". It's more complicated than that and that leads to a bunch of fuck tards posing as intellectuals for the sake of a title. I've been a leader in real life and think that should apply online as well. I've already shook my head at some actions, but that's why we do need those with prior experience, preferrably from Totse.
I come just because Bunghole is a mod...which I think he should have been back on Zoklet but Mike snowboarder set me "straight" on that one real quick.
EDIT: Holy shit, if we make everyone a mod the quality will go through the roof!
Exactly. Allowing people to get experience being a mod before the forum has tons of traffic is exceedingly important. We need members who will know how to do their job so when there are problems cropping up, they can take care of them in the proper fashion. Waiting until there are problems to mod people is not a good idea. If Operation FYW does well and we get a lot more traffic, we will need mods. We're going to need them at some point, so we might as well get them now.
I am against any sort of "Moderation Consideration" threads like the one posted, many places outright guarantee you no spot if you ask, it's not your call to make and most people have an underlying agenda. You start off at the top and work your way down. Hellish is the admin and should be the only admin which I think he plans to do for the time being. Until further growth happens there isn't much need to over do it with a staff like that of &Z which is just ridiculous if you look at it.
Next should be the Super Moderators that can patrol the content of all boards. There should be 2-3 just how Totse had it, and it ran fine as long as those chosen are your most active, responsible, and highly contributive hand picked individuals.
Once your selection proves itself worthy of the task and job at hand you focus on the minor moderator class such as the forum. Hopefully, by then people are obviously standing out and should only be contacted via PM/E-Mail letting them know they are in consideration. I encourage the thread about "Moderator Considerations" not be ignored completely, but stripped of importance in choosing canidates. As Hellish and 4J have already said, your chances are greater if you are actually contributing to the area you feel you can handle. If you are interested in Art but contribute nothing to it then why is it relevant for you to moderate it?
No targeting towards anyone, just voicing and open and honest observation I think people should consider. A lot of hostility in the Help/Suggestions recently with the "HTTPS" thread and some others that are unneeded. This forum should be a place for encouragement and self-development, not for flaming Staff who are limited as of now and working extremely hard toward upgrading Totses old design into a modern platform so it wont be a pain in the ass to back up and restore if ever shit happens. It's a lot of work and Hellish has gone out of his way to try and resolve things quickly being a one-man army. Being forceful and deragatory is what will make this place turn into &Z, not whether the mods chosen are to your liking or not as long as they were chosen with heavy criticism from those who made it happen.
Fair enough. LSA King is right, 2 more super mods will probably be enough for the next few months. Case closed as far as I'm concerned.
It's a slippery slope that's forsure. At the same time it can be a welcoming sign for trolls and spamming a like. At the same time it invites creation and originality in content without limitations set forth by a leaders presense. To my knowledge the goal of Totse v.2 is the same as Totse v.1, freedom of information and this can be a good thing, but also a bad. Depends on what the regulars make of it to be honest. Outside presense is always limited and a simple click of 4J's hand can erase any spam or any user at will. The old days of spam attacks being useful in corruption are over, now it takes a concentrated, collaborative effort of not getting banned to troll/spam and be long lasting.
I can name about about a few dozen on &Z that ride that fine line and are much harder to deal with. I was one for a long time.
I think 4J is a super mod.
What's the point man, I can just save it and send it to you at a later date!
Oh thanks, PM me don't e-mail me the goods
Anyway, don't worry I cycle every few hours, if something happens I will be there before the cyber police even comes here.
This. Not all schedules are the same
That way, it'll be more likely that a mod is online at all times.
ILC, why the butthurt? Why the personal attacks?
Have you forgotten the numerous occasions where I corrected your factual errors at zoklet?
Or are you afraid a troll, someone who can post humorous things nonchalantly, might still be more intelligent than you?
If you have any problems with my moderation, please, stop by my office, and we can discuss things civilly.
EDIT: Not to mention, demodding me is a perfectly reasonable option, in my opinion; ^Modded just for trolling.
^My deep, personal feelings.
^And if Hellish actually reads his PMs, he'll find this.
Until then, I'm still competent in the subject of the forum I moderate, and don't seem to be wreaking havoc there. Actually, it's starting to look kind of nice.
But like I've said, I'm just trying my hardest. So what if I bring more lulz than you, ILC? Does a sense of humor contradict dedication and intelligence?
...other than trying to recapture the glory of totse, which will never happen.
I come here just for you, bud. no homo
Bleh for admin....
I come here for two reasons, and two reasons only:
1. I'm a mod here
This is a place where trolls can troll all they want I guess. this just isn't the place for me, simple as that, peace.
He doesn't troll in the section he moderates. Why are you so butthurt?
Also, don't let the door hit you on the way out.
I never said i was butt hurt. Trolls have no business running a forum espeacially when the ADMIT IT THEMSELVES. I was simply lured over here on the promise that this site would be BETTER. and its not, its even shittier.
You give a troll power and expect them to stay in line for long you are fucking greatly mistaken. the problem is not that "but but,he doesn't troll his own forum" is the most rediculous defence i have ever heard.
what happens when he changes his mind and abuses his power? Well i say avoid it in the first place and ELECT GOOD NEW MODS. Not a bored troll from zoklet.
Dude, take a chill pill. If anyone fucks up the community can take them out in a second. The community decides things here. You can be a troll or anything but you can't abuse your powers here. Simple.
Everyone trolls on the Internet, it's the LAW. If you can't troll you're not creative enought to run a section or keep it entertaining.
:facepalm: Dfg admitting he doesn't even know what a mod does.
Everyone trolls every now and then, that's what makes up the majority of the Internet. IRL we call it "joking" and there are a tons of "jokesters" and I guess they do get under my skin when they can't take some things serious that you want, but that doesn't make them unworthy of carrying on a complete conversation. Same goes on the Internet. I see where you're coming from, but I think you're judging things way too quickly and started off wrong. You stated the obvious fact in the subject of the thread in which there is already a thread made and stickied here regarding positions.
The worst thing this or any new place can do is start off with an old staff they moved from, or jump to raise an army of leaders without taking serious consideration towards each person they form in the team. The only place that seemed to run so dysfunctional was the way &Z did where it was just some complete random douchebag got selected (usually some ass kissing) and then all other users just melted before that person and or flamed. There was no respect for Staff there and you shouldn't judge someone based off their performance from somewhere else unless it carries over elsewhere.
Last but not least, the "Help or Suggestions" forum isn't a place to expect results from. It's meant to offer creative, open, and honest ideas or objections for those behind the scenes. It isn't a place to debate, nor is it a place for angry rants. Just this threads subject automatically steers me into a negative mood. If you want to be taken seriously consider the following:
Take it or leave it, but it's unprofessional anywhere you go. You don't call a Help Desk and tell them they are fucking retarded for something you feel they should have done before they sold it and expect them to treat you with first class service, do you?
Fuck around on any other forum in good fun, but the Help section should be for serious ideas only and not just a place where you can say what you want when you're not the one trying to run, or fix the entire damn site and keep it functional, and while the user base is growing, and while your trying to revamp the entire website to a new platform.
He probably won't leave, he'll just bitch about it.
Thanks, your input means a lot to us.
Right now, you're the troll here.
Exactly, he doesn't like it when someone can out-troll him AND be smarter than him at the same time.
I agree with the long post from Dfg. If we get a bunch of random people to be mods, it'll ruin the place. We need people who are going to be solid posters.
Seriously though, your thinking is fundamentally flawed. What was God doing, but trolling, when he created the Universe? What does every single organism on Earth do, but troll? Is the one who cries "troll!" any better than the troll himself? Are you not aggravating the problem?
You must seek the contents, not the vessel. Open your eyes, and you will see, there is meaning in everything.
Must one be a serious poster to be a serious mod? No, they do not.
Must one be a serious mod to be a serious poster? No, they do not.
I enjoyed the song. Thanks.
I can't wait to get my Russian hosted superserver and .su domain. Shit's gonna be cash.
You should get some vanity plates made up fo' yo ride!
Thanks for pointing out another example of DFG not doing shit, didn't move this to the proper forum. This thread has been open atleast a week.
Its retarded to wait 3 weeks after a website opens to finally get moderators. Thats all I was asking so we didnt get threads like this:
where giomanach deliberately tries to derail the thread to turn it into a gun debate. It just gets old and annoying.
I would rather have meta as a mod than DFG. Meta actually got shit done. Totse was badass when meta was here,we actually had good disussions and we were not worried about syphoning off members from other forums like zoklet because the good discussions was all it took to attract new good posters/members. Not spamming a forum and hoping to up your userbase as much as possible to compete with zoklet. who the fuck cares if they have more members. Its about quality not quantity.
So we have the quantity lets see the QUALITY.
this thread was basically a "what is taking so long" thread. /thread
Called it:
I agree Metaphysicist did do well at keeping things in check, but I don't need to point out the negatives that came with that as a consequence. He started off human like all of us and was solid, but eventually that turned into erratic behavior and forums he moderated on suffered greatly. I remember his view of "drug knowledge" reigned supreme and calling him out usually resulted into negative reprecussions.
Should this thread be moved? Maybe. I mean you ask a very realistic question, however not in the way many would have liked. Also the moderator staff has already started to build, not in a mad stampede, but gradually if you now look at the forum leaders at the bottom of the page. It will get there, that's why the Moderator Thread was started in the first place. While I disagree with that thread in general, at least it's there for proof that it has been looked into since the beginning of the month.
I also remember Dfg on &Z. When I first ran into him I thought he was a complete dick. He cleaned up most of &Z's trash single handidly at the time, sometimes overboard. However, now he is one of the most respected moderators &Z produced. Should he revert back to his Meta state that I remember him as? If you want to go that route it can eventually happen, but the "clamping down" on the forums doesn't need to be brought on so soon from what I see, and many others. I know Dfg can be the dick I remember him as if the moment strikes him, just ask him how many times he warned and infracted me back in the early days. I blame that on miscommunication which led me to view him more highly, something I could never say about Meta who refused to admit his faults in all the times I had to deal with him.
I think you'll find the quality is equal, if not greater, than what you'd find on &Z. Of course you can't compare it to the Original Totse because the membership and contributions far exceed all Totse clones (&Z included) combined by 10 fold. I suggest giving this place more time, or maybe come back at a later date to reanalyze your position while the rest of us try to iron things out.
Food for thought:
Which comes first?
-A functioning website with an overhauled layout and upgraded new CMS platform?
-A fully fledged forum that will be perfect, so there would be no reason for this forum itself. (impossible)
-Or reviving the old Totse archives and eventually merging the forums together into a massive nostalgia database. (tedious)
These are just a few questions Hellish is dealing with and working on SOLO. Jeff Hunter didn't build Totse in a day, month, or even year and what i am saying is it's unwise asking what you are asking for just because "We should have moderators for every forum immediately". It's more complicated than that and that leads to a bunch of fuck tards posing as intellectuals for the sake of a title. I've been a leader in real life and think that should apply online as well. I've already shook my head at some actions, but that's why we do need those with prior experience, preferrably from Totse.
I agree with LSA King posts.