I think i've only finished like four games in my life.
Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 were the last ones...like two or three years ago ><
I'm going to replay them on Expert because I don't like many other games...and I'm stuck on FF. :mad:
BTW I play my PS2 about once a year, for three weeks straight, then call it quits.
yah i agree with you though i forget which one but one of the add-ons changes that and lets you level up to 70 though to be honset that game was very easy. Though for me i just bought a used version of fable 2 im consdeing returning it whale i can since i could have for the same price gotten gta4 , ninja gidean 2, battlefeild bad company or fear does anyone think i should?
FFXIII. Currently going through Oblivion and I'm up to that bit in the main quest where you have to go around all the cities closing the oblivion gates. YAWN BORING!
last game I finished was donkey kong country, decided to pull out the ol snes,...before that was red dead redemption, and before that mgs4, for the 8 or 9th time....before that i played some vice city again...and before that was ocarina of time....and before that...
yah i agree with you though i forget which one but one of the add-ons changes that and lets you level up to 70 though to be honset that game was very easy. Though for me i just bought a used version of fable 2 im consdeing returning it whale i can since i could have for the same price gotten gta4 , ninja gidean 2, battlefeild bad company or fear does anyone think i should?
At Christmas. My buddy got it for 360 and we played like an hour of it on boxing day, then I went over the next day and we got high as shit, ate Christmas leftovers and candy and chocolate all day, and beat that shit in a few hours.
Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 were the last ones...like two or three years ago ><
I'm going to replay them on Expert because I don't like many other games...and I'm stuck on FF. :mad:
BTW I play my PS2 about once a year, for three weeks straight, then call it quits.
yah i agree with you though i forget which one but one of the add-ons changes that and lets you level up to 70 though to be honset that game was very easy. Though for me i just bought a used version of fable 2 im consdeing returning it whale i can since i could have for the same price gotten gta4 , ninja gidean 2, battlefeild bad company or fear does anyone think i should?
Last game i beat?
Replayed Kingdom Hearts
last game I finished was donkey kong country, decided to pull out the ol snes,...before that was red dead redemption, and before that mgs4, for the 8 or 9th time....before that i played some vice city again...and before that was ocarina of time....and before that...
Dude go for battlefield bad company its badass
Have about 60 odd hours into it. Working on the sidequests now but I did beat the final boss so that counts.
I was replaying it though.
At Christmas. My buddy got it for 360 and we played like an hour of it on boxing day, then I went over the next day and we got high as shit, ate Christmas leftovers and candy and chocolate all day, and beat that shit in a few hours.
over gta 4 is it that badass?