theres an old ICBM missile silo near my house ill be checking out tomorrow... ill post pics (permitting i don't die or get arrested by military police)
whats the coolest thing you've found? show pics!
what would you recommend bringing? (other than flashlight, food, water, boots - etc.)
here are some pics on the net of where ill be going...
really? i wouldn't be surprised if someone posted those pics on here way back lol
to the south of that location they do rail gun testing.... its patrolled heavily in that area - theres rumors that they did psychoactive drug testing on people there too - im gona be on foot so i dont know if ill be able to see all the sites in one day but it should be fun
theres a vent with a rope that leads down it to the underground section (6 floors)
thats the vent you can go down.... - ill see how sketchy it looks in person - still impartial but if i can get down there it'd be preserved im sure