So ive been "job hunting" for 3 weeks now on the internet, posting resumes on craigslist and looking on sites like Monster or Snagajob for work. This hasnt been effective at all.
I realized a while ago that i have to go out (into the real world) and ask for applications in person. To me it seems awkward for some reason to just walk up to a cashier and say "hey, could i have an application please?". I know this is what i have to do to land a job but i have hesitated each time i have thought about going out. All the jobs i had in the past came to me, now i have to actively look for one.
Any words of advice? Motivational statements you can give me? I really need some support here.
That's strange because EVERY person I know getting hired is getting hired through Craigslist or Monster or some other online job resume site. I am old fashioned and will never do that online crap even when it's the norm. Even today it's about 1 in 4 places that actually have papers to fill out. Nearly every business now has a dedicated computer to fill out the application when you walk in.
Shits a changing man and I DONT LIKE IT! Only motivation I could give you is for an interview. Own that shit, speak as though it's YOUR business already you are working for regardless if it's a burger joint or a position for CEO. Show pride and enthusiasm to begin contributing and they will take note. Don't prepare for interviews either. You should walk in with a civil attitude and treat the person as a "friend" in the form of someone you are comfortable with who isn't strange. Don't pat them on the back or anything gay like that or take it overboard, but there is no reason not to treat the person as someone who isn't intimidating being they hold your fate in their hands.
Preparing for interviews is how a lot of people fuck shit up. They start making up those cliché one liners and the typical high school teeny booper bullshit that does nothing for the interviewer in terms other than "She has a nice ass." Speak from the heart and mind while trying to watch your language. Be honest and don't lie just to get the job. State how you feel and why, if the question is personal or goes sour. Explaining yourself is the key, not whether or not you just said something you know they didn't like to hear.
I'm looking at volunteer options now so I can beef up my resume a bit.
Sucks to say but this is very true.
Oh god, yeah. Suck up SO much, and they'll think you're willing to do anything short of kissing thier shoes. It's a great way of showing you're keen too, even if you're not.
If you don't get off your lazy ass
My foot will go up your ass
Think about the drugs/booze/women you could get if you had cold hard cash
I heard they treat their employees like shit
Lmao, welcome to America, where everyone is treated like shit unless you're rich. Any job on that level is going to be full of lots of angry customers and incompetent management. I'm applying for jobs at bookstores. Angry people never go to bookstores, and people who are mad about book purchases are easy enough for me to deal with. I've thought about working at best buy simply because I'm good with electronics and I won't try to get people to buy a usb cable when they asked for a sata one, like the incompetent jackass did when I asked where the sata cables were.
Quick, deal with this customer:
"What are you talking about? This book comes in 3 unique covers! I already own 2 of them! I just phoned this store 10 minutes ago asking if you have the cover with the unicorn on it and the woman that answered the phone said there were a bunch in stock! No no, that's not a unicorn! That's a horse! I WANT THE UNICORN!"
Unfortunately it looks like someone bought the last copy right before you came in. I can go ahead and order you one and put it on hold for you.
Those are very nice moobies, by the way.
Every minimum wage job is going to be shitty. Just suck it up, we all did it. You have to start at the bottom, unless your daddy is a minionaire with a golden titty, you're going to have to do just like we all did. Quit being a pansy, you have to stay persistent. And call them back.
I was a store manager at an auto parts store, and unless someone called back, I just threw the application in the box and let it sit there. Show some initiative. Because if you don't, someone else will.
I ain't ever gonna work there
I actually love my job
I quit the first one because it was selling AUSTAR (Pay TV/Cable for you Americans/Euro's) door to door, and i'm utterly useless at dealing with people. I start my mechanics apprenticeship next week.
I also applied for a job with the State rail service, but they got back to me after i signed up for the apprenticeship. So i'm really 3/3 from online applications.
I've filled in two paper applications, and am 0/2 from those (both were retail).
TL;DR = Online > other.
Has anyone else been a telemarketer before?
wake up in morning
dont b a slob
tuck in ur shirt and ware good shose
do wut i say
and u wont lose
hit starbucks hit safeways
hit chilys hit fridays
hit berger king and lows
hit the blax with there corn rows
aply at gardin stors and six flags
there u mite check bags
remimber i-contact and handshake
wate till after the interview 2 bake
look cleen tidey and smile a lot
ull b hired ull b glad u fot
I've done that before. It's fun and frustrating. But no joke find out who does the best and try to learn from them, some of those places pay well in commissions.
Just get the word out on the streets that you take it up the ass for money. Then proceed to make a profit out of horny black men.
As much as I dislike brandon, this post was actually really good advice. As an expert holding 3 degrees in literature, I can safely say that this poem was good.