I ratted a "friend" out for cheating on a test. It will now be on his permanent record wherever he goes. I am glad. He got this off another friend of mine and he too got in trouble. I did this because:
1) They talk a lot of shit, gossip, drama starters.
2) revenge. The guy who had the test is such a smartass, I wanted to have the last laugh. And i did.
So their friends tried to back them up saying, why the fuck would you do that.."you're fucking dumb", "why are you causing all this drama shit" and to be honest, i enjoyed every single hate comment i received. I was so relieved that they were distancing themselves from me and i'm glad i don't have to deal with them anymore.
I know, not an impressive story, but has anyone else committed social suicide in the past? was it by accident or on purpose, but most important of all, was it for better or for worse?
He shouldn't have been a prick to people who were in a position to fuck him over.
don't be a bitch man
Snitches get found in ditches dawg.
No really though, that was kind of a gay thing to do. If you wanted to get back at him, you should have found a reason to fight him, and then beat his ass in front of a lot of people.
That was some ho shit. Funny, but some ho shit none the less.
I frequently get drunk and rant about Jews. That probably puts some people off.
Congratulations! You are now a level 7 Asshole!
(I'm level 9 btw, you'll need another 30000 AP for level 8 and 50000 for level 9.)
I almost did the same thing as the OP (committed social suicide) but all my buds like me again as I'm not a dick to em anymore.
Actually, I'm not a dick at all, i don't talk shit, I don't start fights, i don't plan on humiliating people. I wanted to get it through to him that telling everyone everything about someone(in a biased manor if i may add) is morally unexceptionable, but he does this on a daily basis. So, i decided to tell a dean about what he's doing with another test. You can call this aversion therapy.
I am not that dumb. I've been a friend of him before, and i know his personality enough that he wouldn't do shit. He would just tell all his friends what i've done and throw his own bias in there, like he usually does. Also, where I live, it's a "bubble" from the real world. No one really fights each other, if there is, it's just a stupid push fight; this is suburban lifestyle; and what most suburbians do is gossip and start drama. People hate on eachother based on snippets of someones personality or even physical appearance. So, i know he wouldn't have tried to punch me or kill me or anything.
Im glad that people like you think my ordeal is socially unacceptable, but to kill myself over it.. I wouldn't do it.
Fuck that "Street" code of honor. Unless you mean something to me, I owe you something or you're in a position to get back at me worse, I'll tell the police whatever it suits my situation to tell them.
EDIT: That being said, I'd probably only do something like that out of the pursuit righteous vengeance. Like if some fucker robbed my house or raped children or something.
Haters gunna hate.
This. OP is an asshole. Spite often breeds reciprocal spite.
Thar sums it up well.
Bitch move.
For OP
-Once I called this kid a nigger and threw something at him.
-I often bring up the worst things at the worst time, purposefully
-at my old school I got in a fight with the teacher and got pulled off to the side, I said we should kill the bitch.. needless to say, this was right about the time columbine happened, and my comment was not taken well at all, I was committed to a psych ward and they took my fucking shoelaces
-Once at this party I had a plot to completely annihilate my social standing, by getting my ex girlfriend to start a conversation with me about how I just got fucked up the ass with a strap on, by her.. And I was like 'I TOLD YOU NOT TO BRING THAT UP!!' [it did not happen]
but just then a fight happened so no one was paying attention.. fucking lesbians man
but long story short no I have never committed social suicide, not because i am a bitch but because I don't have anything to be killed
peace out
Snitching is by far the worst thing anyone can do.
Do they know where you live? If so keep an eye on your valuables.