But yeah, I love you guys, but I don't know so much about you. So I thought I'd make this thread for y'all to tell me about yourselves, so I could know y'all a bit better.
So the basic information would be good, age, name and all that stuff.
And tell me the most interesting thing about you.
I do not like AliceWut.
But I like you
I'm getting pretty close to taking over the world, so I'm sure we'll meet pretty soon. I'm also really strong and I love Lady Gaga.:o:o:o:o:o
Who is that? Like, seriously. Not the first time I've heard that comparison, so can someone clue me in here...
At least give us a fake first name or something... when in doubt, lie man! I mean, then I can pretend I know you better than I really do. XD
I like to use the alias "Jack Mehoff" in real life whenever I need to. I don't like lying or pretending, but personal information on the cyber webz is a no-go lol.
Aw, I could have sworn you were a Josh... you seem like a Josh...
and I am very very very happy to see the constipated angry face make his return.:constipated::constipated::constipated::mad::mad::mad::constipated::constipated::constipated::mad::mad:
I am glad to see a good mix of ages on this board. I think you'll find I can get along as well with a young boy as I can with a strong man.
I encourage any of you who desire to get on more intimate terms with me to send me a PM. I can be discreet and nobody will have to know what we do or talk about. Lets explore the possibilities of man 2 man discreet chat.;)
This guy sounds legit.
This. ROFL
haha, oh wow.
she posts in Bat Country alot. Kinda like your posting style, but you're a LOT less annoying.
You're cool in my book :thumbsup:
I know a litte more than that, but not enough to get anywhere.
Im pope and you already know everything about me.
Not really. It may be stupid on my part to love people I don't know that well... but it doesn't mean I don't. And I do stupid things all the time...
You don't actually love us. We're words on the internet.
No. You're people behind a screen typing words on the internet. And I love you.
So if I was standing at your front door right now, you'd fuck me?
It's not that kind of love. I love plenty of people I wouldn't fuck. Like my family. Incest isn't my cup of tea. So it's sort of like that love. brother/sister love or best friend love. Love =/= Sex.
I doubt that...
...you'd fuck me?
No. I'd hug you, though.
Hey hey, don't be insecure now.
Even the hottest girls are often self-conscious about their breasts.
Show me your pics and I'll probably boost your self-esteem right up.
So you'd fuck me.
Or you'll rip me to shreds, and show everyone else my pics. But haha, nice try. :thumbsup:
post pics so i can namasterbate
Clever. You get a *.
And I would love to give you a hug.