At my mom's workplace, there are temporary Pakistani engineers working. USA is paying for them to be there

Mom says they have REALLY hairy hands and fingers, and they smell bad. Their first day there, they asked, "Who is going to cook for us?" So my mom's boss took them to the store, and bought them cooking dishes and utensils and things. They wanted my mom to cook them their meals, but she politely declined.
And at the workplace, everyone brings their own dishes for drinks and meals. My mom saw that the cup they were using was being left in the sink, and she was gonna wash it but one of her coworkers was like, "NO, don't wash that! If you do it once they will expect it all of the time!" So she didn't wash it. That was about three weeks ago, and now the cup is very sticky and smells worse than the Pakistanis themselves.
how do you explain this?
Pakistani men expect a little bit more work than lazy US women are used to dealing with
Seriously fucked up, but it's their culture.
" Deadly flooding spreads to Pakistan's heartland " ::
so dfg may have been washed away, however at least the pakistanis will smell better, not that it helps your mum
It depends really on their social status in the country. Given most people that migrate to the U.S. are the absolute trash of their society their hygiene isn't nearly up to par and the progressive behavior that may be minuet is sacrificed by the lower class. I knew a Palestinian kid growing up who always tried to smell good, look good, and all that hoo-hah.
Also when you're not used to having certain luxuries you have to force a habit to make them when you live in another culture. When I was stationed in Germany for two years there were some differences and I didn't quite understand, nor accept many of htem my damn self so I can understand on some remote level why it does take a generation or two for it to happen.
It might surprise thou, but people not from America (and the various America jr's, such as Canada, New Zealand and Australia and also Britain, because they're scum) are different than Americans, states Rolf, Ninja-Pirate Glam-Hair Metaller of Knowledge.
Hey if you hate America, then fuck you buddy!
Or they were just pussy about things. In any case, when dealing with Pakis:
A) Never trust them.
C) Always keep an eye on them.
D) Speak directly to them and in authoritarian fashion.
E) Do not take pity on them.
And don't expect them to be kind to you, they might say yes Madam etc but behind your backs, they will talk shit about you. They're a stupid breed who don't have any manners and don't bother learning local customs.
Treat them like slaves and they will respond. As soon as you give them some opening they will try to take over. It's after all your Mum's country, tell her to act like a fucking King. The whites get respect in PK because of money that's it.
I suggest you tell her to file a complaint against them or make sure they clean up her place otherwise a simple complaint will be enough to fuck them over.
Btw I know most Pakistani Rtards will read this and shit brix in fury but FUCK YOU CUNTS, if you can't learn local customs before applying for a job in some other country, then you deserve to be treated as shit and abused all the time. If you have a fucking Engineering degree atleast USE IT ASSHOLES.
Sorry, OP but I couldn't help it
Still doesn't mean they know anything about etiquettes.