Even if it is really that old... just looks like a rock. for all we know, you picked up up out of your backyard, and made up this story to look all badass or whatever. =/ But it's really lame all around either way, whether it's true or not. I mean, it just looks like a rock. So it's not like anyone will be all amazed when you show them... they've seen rocks before.
Your just shallow. I like the idea of looking at something realizing its been through way more shit than you can fathom. Its the fact that you looking at something that was here billions of years before you, and it will be here billions of years after your gone.
so 2 enjoy somthing it has 2 look realy cool 2 show off???? idiot. :o:o:o anways there was prolly a article or somthing rittin on it explaning were it came from but i woodnt expect a idiot like u 2 understand that :o:o
Your just shallow. I like the idea of looking at something realizing its been through way more shit than you can fathom. Its the fact that you looking at something that was here billions of years before you, and it will be here billions of years after your gone.
Hey look its a brandon.