I've decided that I never want to become rich or poor. Rich people don't have character as do poor people. I like middle class people... no, I LOVE middle class people. In fact, I want to be a middle class person myself, just so I'm not a hypocrite.
Yes being a middle class person is my dream. Rich people get everything handed to them. Poor people get nothing.
Okay, if a middle class person becomes a rich person; that's fine I guess. If a middle class person becomes a poor person; thats a different story. Either way, good for them.
But people who are born into rich families; ugh. People born into poor families; get away from me.
I was born into a middle class family. But I'm keeping all of my stuff and am going to be middle class from now on from now on. I've decided that I want to contribute to this world by taking out loans when i go to college and get a good education; nothing poor people do though. Middle class people. I want to make middle class people friends with me.
So how do I do this? I have to do find a place middle class people go to and shop or play golf or go to the movies or something. I don't really have any ideas just yet. Suggest some?
u will b rich in thc and other dinosor stuff
and then dont use it for much, but thats really no excuse for not wanting to be filthy rich really.
You can do a hell of alot with a shitload of money, i suspect your confusing the commodity "several metric shittons of money" with the often accurate stereotype of
owners of that commodity, "lazy fucking rich people who dont do or are interested in doing anything for a day in their lives" which do piss me off.
this is a troll on a blunderful thread, take it easy champ
Oh shit mah nigga you just struck a nerve.
Good point good sir.
I don't see classes. I see people.
srsly guize